Vetiver 100% Pure Essential Oil 

Vetiver Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Vetiveria zizanoides

Common Method of Extraction: Solvent Extraction

Colour: Golden/Dark Brown

Consistency: Thick

Perfumery Note: Base

Strength of Initial Aroma: Strong

Aromatic Description: Woody, earthy, herbaceous, spicy almost smoky.

Possible Uses: Acne, arthritis, cuts, depression, exhaustion, insomnia, muscular aches, oily skin, rheumatism, sores, stress. [Julia Lawless, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), 56-67.]

Constituents: Benzoic acid, vetiverol, furfurol, a-vetivone, B-vetivone, vetivene, vetivenyl vetivenate. [E. Guenther, The Essential Oils Vol. 4 (New York: Van Nostrand Company INC, 1990), 178-181.

Safety Information: Essential Oil Safety by Robert Tisserand does not indicate any special precautions when using this oil. [Robert Tisserand, Essential Oil Safety (United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone, 1995), 211.]