Clove Leaf 100% Pure Essential Oil 100ml 

Botanical name: Eugenia Caryophyllata

Common name: Clove Leaf

Plant part: Leaves

Extraction method: Steam distilled

Common uses: Clove essential oil has been known to be a great antiseptic and has traditionally been used to relieve symptoms of cold and flus.

Note: Middle

Strength of aroma: Medium to strong

Aromatic scent: Clove leaf essential oil has the characteristic Clove smell, only it is much sharper than Clove Bud essential oil with woody tones.

Caution: Clove leaf oil is a potential skin irritant. Avoid during pregnancy.


Difference between Clove Bud, Leaf and Stem Oil:

Cloves anti-septic and pain relieving properties are attributed to its eugenol, eugenyl acetate, b caryophyllene and a humulene content.  These components are found in all cuts of Clove oil but are most balanced in the Bud.