John A. MacDonald - The Young Politician by Donald Creighton

526 Pages

Preface:  It is now nearly sixty years since Sir Joseph Pope published, in two volumes, his Memoirs of the Right Honorable Sir John Alexander MacDonald, G.C.B, First Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada.  Sir Joseph was MacDonald's literary executor; to him was entrusted the vast mass of the MacDonald correspondence; and his biography, solidly based upon these private papers, has long remained the standard work on the subject.  It would seem, therefore, that the time has perhaps arrived for a re-examination of MacDonald's career in the light of all the evidence now available.  That, at least is the excuse for this present study.  This volume which is here presented covers the first of the two great periods into which MacDonald's career naturally falls.  A second  and concluding volume will deal with the years from 1867 - MacDonalds death in 1891.



1. The Immigrant  MacDonalds 1815 - 1830

2. The Lawyer's Apprentice 1830 - 1837

3. First Public Appearance 1837 - 1839

4. The New Conservative Candidate 1839 - 1844

5. Minister of the Crown 1844 - 1847

6. The Twilight of the Tory Party 1847 - 1849

7. Years of Recovery 1849 - 1851

8. The Liberal-Conservative Coalition 1851 - 1854

9. The Victory of the Progressive-Conservatives 1854 - 1856

10. Double Shuffle 1856 - 1858

11. The Humiliation of George Brown 1858 - 1861

12. Impasse 1861 - 1864

13. British North America in Conference June - December 1864

14. Checkmate January 1865 - April 1866

15. Triumph April 1866 - March 1867

Epilogue - The First of July 1867

A Note on Authorities

