• MADE OF DURABLE NYLON – long lasting dog chew toy challenges even the most aggressive chewers and discourages destructive chewing
  • FUN & OCCUPYING – this chew toy keeps dogs busy while satisfying their natural urge to chew
  • GREAT FOR DENTAL HYGIENE - tiny bristles raise on the bone during chewing like a mini toothbrush to help keep teeth clean and prevent tartar build up
  • DELICIOUS FLAVOUR THROUGHOUT - these chew toys have a delicious flavour throughout, meaning the flavour goes on for as long as the chew does, they are not sprayed, dipped or coated in any way so there is no chance of that tasty flavour being licked off!
Puppy Pack
STAGES pack (Medium) unpacked per bone: 24x4x2.7cm
Starter Pack (small) Approximate sizing per bone 12x3x2cm

 Recommended Size Guide




Dog Weight

Approx Length





Up to 25lb




4.5 inches





Up to 35lb




5.25 Inches





Up to 50lb




7.5 Inches





50lb +

(23kg + )



7.5 – 8.5 Inches

(depending on style)





50lb +

(23kg + )



9 Inches