1000 years Khotin

1000 rokіv Khotin
Dedicated Bukovynian city, standing on the high bank of the Dniester River, which in X-XI centuries. It was part of Kievan Rus, and the second half of the twelfth century. He was a member of the Galicia-Volyn principality. The first fortifications and a stone church built under Daniel of Galicia in the 1250-1264 biennium. The fortress walls have witnessed many important events. But especially Hawtin is known for the victorious military campaign in 1621 g .: here met the Cossack, Hetman headed Sagaydachnogo and Polish troops in a battle against the Turkish-Tatar army, which suffered a crushing defeat there.


Features coins
Denomination: 5 hryvnia Mintage: 30,000 pcs.
Material: nickel silver Quality: normal
Diameter: 35.00 mm. Weight: 16.54 gr.
Edge: Milled