

Our products are best experienced first hand. Once you open a jar, you'll know our goods are unparalleled.

We're offering a Sample Kit of 3 products without a consultation and with FREE SHIPPING on domestic orders, ground shipping only


Choose the kit that best fits your skin type.

Each Kit includes:

And to each kit ordered we add an additional free sample of a Moisturizing Cream that best fits the kit chosen.

We can make the best choice of products specifically for you if you provide us with some detailed information.   If you like, head on over to our Personal Skin Consultation. Provide us with detailed information about your skin type, challenges and goals, and Dr. Mira will evaluate and select 4-6 products best suited for your needs.  Samples of these products will be sent to you, and a follow up consultation will be scheduled once you use those samples.

Whatever method you choose to experience our line, you cannot go wrong using Rosemira Skin Care products.  

We look forward to helping you achieve healthy, radiant and happy skin. 

