
Pawspockets are a treat dispensing toy. 

Designed for a treat to be placed in the centre and used as a self rewarding treat/toy/training aid.

Great as a training aid to help your dog have more drive and motivation or even to bring them down to earth and get that brain engaged.

The paws pocket holds a treat or multiple treats by three ‘petals’ That are held together with Velcro. This can be made easy or hard for the dog to open depending on how tight you close the petals. This makes a great training aid for sending your dog away or a target.

Sizes avaible: 
*NEW* Mini



There is a picture with all 3 sizes next to a standard size tennis ball to give you a rough guide size. 

Most people tend to go for the small for the ease of fitting in your pocket easier however if you want the ball to be a bigger target then the medium is great.

Please note these are approximates as this is a hand made toy and these measurements have been taken on an average 
