ATTENTION: The price shown includes Greek VAT 24% and is applicable to all individuals in EU countries onlyIf you are from any other country including USA, Canada, Australia etc. please use the "make offer" button and divide the price by 1,24.We will first accept this offer to let you proceed with the check-out and payment. If you are a business registered in EU with a valid VAT number again, you can use the same button so to pay without VAT. We will send you a zero VAT tax invoice.

You can download its schematic and building instructions here (copy and paste to your browser)

    50 Ohms in/out SMA ports

   Does not pass DC

   Compact 25 x 25 x 50 mm size

   Supplied encased, built & tested

ORDERS USD 49.90 incl 24% VAT

If you have a valid EU VAT number please email us for issuing a VAT exception invoice.

The filter is supplied buil & tested and encased in an aluminum box 25.1 x 25.1 x 50.1 mm.

The shipping is with registered mail  (your signature is required upon delivery) or with FedEx. 

Check out my other items! I always combine shipping.