The OT original Hebrew for the word "SHEOL." The NT Greek for HADES is GEHENNA, TARTAROO, and HELL compared to the LAKE OF FIRE." Also included are "THE WEDDING STORY". "THE UNIQUE CHRIST" and "CITY SET ON A MOUNTAIN". You will enjoy every word of it!
76 pages


This book, "THERE'S  NO PLACE LIKE HELL" by Dr. C.C. Gosey, is a "must" in the library of every Bible student and Teacher. The in depth study, the. clarity of expression and the concise manner of presentation make for a top place among "books for easy reading". After having read the first draft of this book, "THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HELL" I am pleased to endorse it enthusiastically and to recommend it unreservedly as a comprehensive coverage of the subject. Dr. Gosey has done a service to the ministry in preparing "THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HELL".

HOWARD 0. JAMESON, Th. D. ,Ph.D. Professor, Norfolk State College Norfolk, Virginia.
Dr. Jameson is President of Jameson Bible Institute Phil. Pa. He is also on the faculty of the University of Virginia and the Virginia Wesleyan College.