HEKA-Brutgeräte - leading in incubator-technic,

because: since 1985 serially electronic control-systems and since 1990 completely processor-controlled incubators.
Nearly 100 different incubators made of wood or plastic always available. You can find all our incubators in our ebay-Shop and on our website.
Here in this auction we sell the following incubator:

HEKA Jumbo XXL egg-incubator for:

  • 2.000-2.200 chicken-eggs or
  • ca. 3.700 bantam-/pheasant-eggs or
  • ca. 3.000 eggs of miniature-breeds or
  • ca. 1.680 duck-/turkey-eggs or
  • ca. 864 goose-eggs or
  • 5500 quail-/partridge-eggs or
  • 8000 parakeet-/miniature-quail-eggs
  • of course, you can also choose 12 different trays !
  • if nothing else is mentioned, we will include 12 chicken-trays

With our HEKA Jumbo XXL we move into new dimensions. Up to the present our worldwide customers searched for reliable incubators with capacities of about 2.000 hen-eggs in vain. We close this gap now with our serial production of the HEKA Jumbo XXL. With its capacity of 2.200 hen-eggs this incubator is the right choice for operators of big poultry farms, who want to enlarge or modernise their inventory of incubators. Also this incubator is completely assembled, so that you can start brooding as soon as the incubator is delivered. On request (surcharge of 600€) you can also get this incubator with water cooling system as it is serially installed in the incubators HEKA Favorit-Olymp 2200, 2100/S, 1500 and 1500/S (also described there). You can arrange this incubator in different variations, which you please choose above and which are explained below for making your decision for your right equipment as easy as possible.
In this offer: with fully-automatic egg-turning, processor-control-system with digital display, double thermostat and double glazing (WITHOUT cooling timer !).

1. Half-automatic or fully-automatic egg-turning --> in this offer with fully-automatic egg-turning !!!

The continuously and reliably turning of the eggs
is necessary for successful brooding - at least
2-3 times per day in the 1st phase of breeding
(hen eggs: 18 days --> then 3 days hatching). If
you choose your HEKA-Incubator with half-auto-
matic egg-turning, you don't have to turn every
single egg, but you just have to push and pull
the trays. Inside the tray, the eggs lay on fluted
wooden bars, which theirselves lay on the left
and on the right on rubber-strap. By pushing
or pulling the trays, the bars of the tray turn
and so will also turn the eggs.

If you choose your HEKA-Incubator with full-
automatic egg-turning, you don't have to do the
work described above. Behind the incubator,
there is installed a 3-phase-turner motor
(exterior, covered), which is connected with the
trays by a push-rod and an aluminium
connector - the motor pushes and pulls the
trays automatically forward and backward. For
best success in brooding, all our incubators do
12 turnings per day. Of course, this turning can
be deactivated by a switch for hatching-phase.

2. Electronic regulation or processor-control-system --> in this offer with processor-control-system !!!

   With electronic regulation temperature is set by
   the silver adjusting knob and it's shown on the
   angle-thermometer on the right side of the
   incubator. Highly suitable for export-markets,
   because these electronics make it impassible for
   oscillations in power-supply, and all electronic
   components can be exchanged easily in case of

   The processor-control-system provides a
   pleasant "Plus" of comfort in handling. The
   brooding-temperature can be adjusted in one-
   tenths of a degree - both set-temperature actual
   temperature are shown simultaneously. Further,
   an alarm is included. You set the alarm-
   temperature digitally - if this temperature is
   reached, the alarm-control-light flashes up
                                                                                      (acoustical alarm on enquiry).

3. Double thermostat --> in this offer with double thermostat

A double thermostat brings an even higher level of safety
to your incubator. If the main thermostate should allow the
temperature in your incubator to rise too high because of
technical failure, the double thermostat switches off the
heating and prohibits damage to the eggs. This is not
really necessary with a high-class HEKA-incubator - but it
is a pleasant addition. In all incubators with electronic
regulation there is installed a membrane-regulation as
double thermostat, in all incubators with processor-
control-system the double thermostat is integrated in this
control-system. The value for the double thermostat is
preset by us - you don't have to reprogram any values,
but you can just start  brooding, when you get your


4. Cooling timer --> in this offer WITHOUT cooling timer !!!

   If you brood waterfowl, it is absolutely necessary to cool-down the
   eggs once a day up from the ~11th day (up to the hatching-
   phase). With incubators without cooling timer you have to do this
   by opening the door for 20-30 minutes. If you choose your HEKA-
   incubator equipped with a cooling timer, you don't have to operate
   this cooling by yourself (with the risk to forget closing the door),
   but the incubator itself deactivates the heating for your desired/set
   time, so that the temperature inside the incubator decreases. It is
   essential, that all other functions of the incubator remain enabled -
   only the heating is disabled.


5. Single glazing or double glazing --> in this offer with double glazing !!!

The lower insulation value of the single glazing is advanta-
geous in export-markets with hot surrounding temperatures,
because the incubator can lose temperature through the
door. But the disadvantage of steaming windows at higher
values of humidity, persist.

In middle- and north-european countries, the insulated
glazing is definitely the right choice. The insulation value is
much better, whereby the power-consumption decreases.
Further, insulated glazing begins to steam up just up from
~80% humidity - beyond those values, which are needed


The incubator is completely equipped with all the accessories, which are needed. Included is the interior lighting of the incubator, twelve trays/hatching-trays of your choice, an hygrometer, a tripartite water basin, a detailed manual and further the accessories, which belong to your chosen equipment; i.e. an angle-thermometer, if you choose the electronic regulation.
Further, reasonable accessories, which are not included, could be a candling lamp for checking eggs on fecundity; more trays/hatching-trays (if needed) and the right disinfectant for cleaning/disinfecting the incubator after hatching (we recommend: Amo-Des).


Technical Details

2 years warranty.

Dimensions: Width 78 cm, Depth 88 cm, Height 160 cm,

Weight ca. 170 kg, Power consumption in 24h., ca. 2,8 kW


Beigelegt wird auch unser aktueller HEKA-Brutgeräte Gesamtkatalog (124 Seiten voll mit: Brutgeräten, Aufzuchtboxen, Geflügelzuchtartikeln, Drahtgitter, Weidezaun und Überspannungsnetzen, Getreidemühlen, Schlachtzubehör, Kaninchenzuchtartikeln, Taubenartikeln, Vogelartikeln, Hundeartikeln, Präparaten für Geflügel, Tauben und Nager, Schädlingsbekämpfungsmitteln, Fachbüchern und Tierfallen).

We also add our latest HEKA-Brutgeräte catalogue (German, 124 pages full with: incubators, brooders, poultry-supply, mesh-wire, electric pasture-fences and nets for overdrawing, grain-mills, slaughtery-equipment, rabbit-supply, pigeon-supply, bird-supply, dog-supply, minerals and vitamines for poultry, pigeon and rodents, compounds for disinfection, vermin-control and pest-control, books and traps).

Further we produce the following incubators within this series "HEKA Standard"

  • HEKA 1 for ~70 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA 2 for ~90 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA 3 for ~130 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA 5 for ~ 210 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA 6 for ~280 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA 7 for ~400 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA 9 for ~600 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA 11 for ~800 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA 12 for ~1.200 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA Jumbo XL for ~1.500 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA Jumbo XXL for ~2.200 chicken-eggs
  • HEKA 10 with separate hatcher for ~90 chicken-eggs in the incubator + ~80 chicken-eggs in the hatcher
  • HEKA 15 with separate hatcher for ~130 chicken-eggs in the incubator + ~90 chicken-eggs in the hatcher
  • HEKA 30 with separate hatcher for ~210 chicken-eggs in the incubator + ~160 chicken-eggs in the hatcher
  • HEKA 40 with separate hatcher for ~290 chicken-eggs in the incubator + ~160 chicken-eggs in the hatcher
  • HEKA 70 with separate hatcher for ~600 chicken-eggs in the incubator + ~375 chicken-eggs in the hatcher
  • HEKA 80 with separate hatcher for ~800 chicken-eggs in the incubator + ~375 chicken-eggs in the hatcher
  • HEKA 90 with separate hatcher for ~1.500 chicken-eggs in the incubator + ~500 chicken-eggs in the hatcher

Further we produce the following series of incubators (each in different sizes):
  • HEKA-Standard: wooden incubators (and hatchers) with electronic control-system and angle-thermometer OR with processor-control-system with digital display
  • HEKA-Standard with separate hatcher
  • HEKA-Turbo: plastic incubators (and hatchers) with processor-control-system and digital display, fully-automatic egg-turning, insulated glazing
  • HEKA-Euro-Lux: wooden incubators with microprocessor-control - digital display and regulation of: temperature, humidity, turning-cycle, cool-down-cycle, cool-down-length
  • HEKA-Euro-Lux with separate hatcher
  • HEKA Favorit: plastic incubators (and hatchers) with computer-control - digital display and regulation of: temperature, humidity, turning, cooling-down
  • HEKA-Favorit-Olymp: plastic incubators (and hatchers) with microprocessor-control (like Euro-Lux-Series) and rocking-mechanism for turning
  • HEKA-Parrot-Incubators
  • HEKA-Parrot-Brooders
  • HEKA-Raptor-Incubator
  • HEKA-Reptile-Incubator
  • HEKA-Laboratory-Incubator

Further we offer the complete range of poultry-supply - since more than 30 years. With HEKA, you can always be sure, to get the best-available quality - fast and reliable !

All mentioned items are available at Ebay - or can be offered at Ebay shortly. For this - or for any other questions, you are always welcome to contact us: by mail or by phone: +49 5244 1718

Your Team from HEKA-Brutgeräte