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X-Safe Method Feeders

  • Traditionally, there was no particular science to hook bait placement within the method ball and your bait could even become trapped inside or under the feeder frame
  • Guru has, quite literally, turned this upside down
  • Commercial master Steve Ringer engineered a groundbreaking hook bait platform, which sits on the opposite side of the feeder to the main weight loading, ensuring that the hook bait sits on top of the feeder cast after cast
  • The platform itself is positioned on X-shaped, vented arms that are configured to minimize tangles and allow maximum grip, ensuring that your groundbait can be loaded easily onto the feeder
  • One cast with a Guru Method Feeder and you’ll understand why it’s shaped like it is
  • The team made long, stable casting a real priority and the weight-forward design really delivers this
  • These feeders cut across testing crosswinds, like a dart, allowing you to consistently hit the spot, effortlessly building your swim
  • The colour of the frame is anything but an afterthought. Steve drew upon what he knows of the underwater environment to choose a colour that melts inconspicuously into most lake bed types
  • The unique X-Safe elastic system acts as a buffer during the fight, helping to reduce hook pulls at the net
  • Not only that, but thanks to the innovative design, it’s 100 per cent safe for the fish. Should you lose a fish and leave it attached to the feeder, the elastic will simply pull free, allowing the fish to ditch the feeder
  • The Method feeders are available in four sizes and all sizes of feeder are completely interchangeable and spare elastics and tubes are available separately

Available in:

  • 24g (Small)
  • 36g (Small)
  • 28g (Large)
  • 45g (Large)

*Size Small / Large indicates the Method Mould size to suit

Inline Method Feeder + New Mini Feeders

  • Traditionally, there was no particular science to hook bait placement within the method ball and your bait could even become trapped inside or under the feeder frame
  • Guru has, quite literally, turned this upside down
  • Commercial master Steve Ringer engineered a groundbreaking hook bait platform, which sits on the opposite side of the feeder to the main weight loading, ensuring that the hook bait sits on top of the feeder cast after cast
  • The platform itself is positioned on X-shaped, vented arms that are configured to minimize tangles and allow maximum grip, ensuring that your groundbait can be loaded easily onto the feeder
  • One cast with a Guru Method Feeder and you’ll understand why it’s shaped like it is
  • The team made long, stable casting a real priority and the weight-forward design really delivers this
  • These feeders cut across testing crosswinds, like a dart, allowing you to consistently hit the spot, effortlessly building your swim
  • The colour of the frame is anything but an afterthought
  • Steve drew upon what he knows of the underwater environment to choose a colour that melts inconspicuously into most lake bed types
  • The Method feeders are available in four sizes and all sizes of feeder are completely interchangeable
  • Use the feeder in conjunction with the X-Press mould for perfect, efficient method moulding

Available in:

  • 20g (Mini)
  • 30g (Mini)
  • 24g (Small)
  • 36g (Small)
  • 28g (Large)
  • 45g (Large)

*Size Mini, Small & Large indicates the Method Mould size to suit
**Please note Guru now manufacture the In-Line Method Feeders without the swivel

X-Press Method Mould

  • In order to make the best, most consistent method balls that fly further and truer, the feeder has to be loaded perfectly
  • The method mould offers the best way of achieving this
  • That’s why the Guru team wasted no time in releasing the X-Press Method Mould
  • These clever devices make moulding pellets or groundbait around our X-Safe or Inline feeders child’s play
  • The clever, non-stick inner, coupled with the flexible construction, will ensure that perfectly formed feeders full of bait drop out into the palm each and every time
  • Once you’ve used the X-Press mould, you simply won’t want to use another version

Available in: 

  • Mini
  • Small
  • Large

X-Safe Spare Elastics

  • The X-Safe elastics have been designed to eliminate hook pulls during the final throes of a fight
  • The cushioning effect WILL translate into more fish on the bank for you, especially as netting is when most fish are lost
  • The system was developed by Alex Bones to ensure that fish can get rid of the feeder should your line break above the feeder
  • Spare X-Safe elastics will fit both the Pellet Feeder and Method Feeder and are available in packs of two

X-Safe Spare Elastic – White / Black (Speed Stems)

  • Developed by top match anglers Steve Ringer, Adam Rooney and Pemb Wrighting, a feeder or lead equipped with the X-Safe Speed Stems allows for ultra-quick re-casts – all you need to do is unclip the whole feeder or lead from the main line and attach a new ready-to-go rig.
  • Using this system, the Guru team have won countless matches this year with the Speed Stems allowing anglers to have multiple feeders or leads set up and ready to recast within seconds of a fish or bringing a rig in, saving valuable minutes over the course of a match or pleasure session when speed is the key.
  • Also incorporated into the stems is a Speed Bead, which allows hook lengths to be changed in seconds via a small quick-change swivel which pulls back into the bead to secure it to the rig.
  • The stems fit Guru’s existing method, pellet and Hybrid feeders and the inline lead range, easily slotting into the existing holes to make an instant quick change, elasticated feeder or lead set-up. Just tie a small loop onto the main line, secure it to the stem via the streamlined crook and small tail rubber, and it’s ready to go.
  • The X-Safe is the only safe elasticated system on the market, with the whole elasticated section easily pulling through the stem so any fish lost due to a main line breakage or picking up a cracked-off rig will be able to easily lose the feeder or lead. Top fisheries such as White Acres have recognised this safety aspect and now insist that anglers use the X-Safe system.
  • The stems are available in two lengths for short and medium to long-range fishing and two elastic strengths – black and white – for targeting smaller or larger fish. For example, the black (heavy) elastic is great for larger carp and big bream whilst the lighter white version is perfect for F1s, bream, skimmers and smaller carp.
  • The four different stems are sold in packs of two.

Available in:

  • Black or White in sizes short and long

X-Safe Spare Tail Rubbers

  • These stepped tail rubbers have been designed to work with the X-Safe Elastic system
  • They fit over the quick-change clip that protrudes from the elastic system tube
  • The rubbers simply ensure that the feeder is locked securely onto the line and smooth the connection, preventing tangles
  • Spare tail rubbers are available in packs of ten

In-Line Tail Rubbers

  • The In-Line Tail Rubbers are shaped to fit the Guru In-Line Pellet and Method feeders
  • They help to streamline the feeder, eliminating the chance of tangles in flight
  • They are available in packs of ten

Method Feeder Clips

  • The Method Feeder Clip simply clips onto the hookbait plate of any of the Method feeders in the Guru range, with different sizes designed to match the feeders – the large will fit the 28g and 45g feeders and the small will fit the 24g & 36g feeders.
  • As well as keeping your hookbait right in amongst your loosefeed, it also allows you to effectively fish very short hook links without the associated problems that usually accompany those – difficulty in tying them and increased potential for hook-pulls due to the close proximity of the feeder to the hook during the fight – as once a fish is hooked your hooklink will pull free from the Method Feeder Clip, and you will be back to playing it on your normal length of hooklink.
  • It will also come in very useful on venues that ban bolt rigs as you can fish it with a running feeder, but still get the self-hooking effect that a bolt rig would give, as the clip grips the line until a fish is hooked.
  • If you are using it with a pop-up then there is no need for any counter-balance weight, simply place the hooklink in the clip to set the required distance that you want your hookbait to sit above the loosefeed. Or you can use it to make sure that a bottom bait stays right in amongst the groundbait even once fish have disturbed it.
  • This is going to be a big hit with match and pleasure anglers, but is also likely to find favour with specimen anglers who want to use the Method and fish very short hook links. This is one of those incredibly simple products which can make a big difference to your catch rate!

Available in:

  • Small
  • Large

Speed Beads

  • This ingenious little bead has been designed solely to help you put more fish in your net, quicker
  • They comprise a rubber outer bead, against which your feeder or bomb can come to rest, with an internal, quick-change swivel that allows you to change your hook links in the blink of an eye
  • The significance of this is, of course, that if a hook link is damaged, it’s even easier to get fishing again, in double-quick time
  • The Speed Bead has met with the approval of the Gurus, headed by Steve Ringer, and you’ll see them using it to great effect over the coming months
  • The significance of this is, of course, that if a hook link is damaged, it’s even easier to get fishing again, in double-quick time
  • The Speed Bead has met with the approval of the Gurus, headed by Steve Ringer, and you’ll see them using it to great effect over the coming months
  • Each pack contains six Speed Beads.

Size 11 Rig System Swivels

  • These swivels have been designed to be used in conjunction with the entire Guru range
  • They’re super-free spinning, which will help avoid unnecessary line twist on the retrieve
  • They have been coated with an anti-corrosion black-nickel finish, which is really hard wearing

Size 11 Swivel and Snap Link

  • These quick-change swivels fit the Guru Micro Lead Clips perfectly, allowing you to change hook links quickly and easily throughout your session
  • They can also be used as a quick-change lead link, allowing you to switch leads and feeders without having to retackle