Tawny Owl Nest Box
  • FSC Certified Exterior Grade European Birch Plywood
  • Non-toxic water based preservative
  • Well drained floor
  • Hatch for easy access
  • A safe and comfortable nest box

Tawny owls are the most abundant owl in the UK, typically found in deciduous and mixed woodland. They will also inhabit urban areas where wooded parks or large gardens provide attractive habitat.

As a cavity nesting species they will naturally use large cavities in trees. However in our highly modified landscape, available large tree cavities are often rare and putting up a tawny owl nest box can provide a nest site where there is a shortage of natural sites.

This Tawny Owl Nest Box may appear strange as it is more like a tube than a box - but this is just the way that tawny owls prefer them. It is designed to replicate a hollow branch or tree cavity that would be used naturally. These owl boxes are best strapped or fixed to the underside of a branch at an angle of about 45 degrees to the vertical with a clear flight path to the entrance. Alternatively, they can be fixed to the trunk of a tree by screwing a diagonal batten onto the middle of the nest box, and then fixing the ends of this batten to the tree.

Designed to provide the best accommodation for Tawny Owls, these boxes feature: a well drained floor – open roof (as preferred by the owls) – easy access hatch for cleaning – FSC exterior grade European Birch plywood, sprayed with a water-based non-toxic preservative for durability


Please Note: Tawny Owls have a reputation for vigorously protecting the area around the nest so their boxes are best sited somewhere quiet where the birds will not disturbed whilst nesting.


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