Hava Zingboim Bio Moist Cream For Skin Care 2oz 60ml

Our skin is one of the most beautiful and remarkable things that exists in the nature, but as we all know there is nothing eternal in this world.
Our skin is aging and the time claim our beauty and youth without any compassion.

Anyone in this world would give anything to look young as long as they can, well now there is a way, and you do not have to give the world to get it, it can be yours in a reach of a hand.

Hava Zingboim Bio Moist Cream is a day and night cream which is ideal for all types of skin especially for thin, dry and poor circulation of the sebaceous glands. 
The sebum-like ingredients in this formula mimic the natural sebum activity of the skin, which is an important part of the natural moisturizing. 
Sebum helps to reduce water drainage by blocking the skin pores from harmful external factors. 
Hava Zingboim Bio Moist Cream penetrates the skin only partially and is suitable for all types of skin.

  • Compensates the low level of activity of the sebaceous glands by moisturizing the skin.
  • Has an anti-bacterial components that protects the skin from continuous trans-epidermal water loss.
  • Creates a natural sebum-like layer on the surface of the skin, offering an ideal solution for thin, delicate, dry skin with low estrogen levels.
  • Moisturizing components and ingredients helps to maintain moisture and optimum water balance level in the epidermis and dermis layers.

Basically, everyone should have this cream in their day arsenal.