Great Betty Boop Watch Collection in new condition. Watches have not been removed from the case. 12 Watches for the 12 months in a year. Very nice set with a nice wood case.

We have provided good quality pictures for you to see any additional details we have not described and if for any reason you still have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send us a messge.

Thank you for visiting Second Chance Products. Our company is dedicated to providing a second chance for quality products to find a new home. We understand that money is hard earned nowadays and paying full retail is just not an option. All of our clothing/shoes, whether pre-owned or new, comes to you with lot's of life still left in them. All of our antiques or collectibles will, hopefully, be exactly what you were looking for. Every item is hand picked and selected by our staff. Our customer service is second to no one and all of our products are backed by a hassle free return policy.

Our shipping is on time, every time! We ship Monday through Friday and all items are shipped mostly next day with some even making it out the same day. Most items will be free shipping, but in the case where shipping cost are involved, we offer combined shipping for multiple items.

Please keep in mind that the staff has a full-time job on top of running this company and sometimes things can get hectic, but rest assured that every email will be answered in a timely matter and all issues or questions will be handled and answered to the best of our ability.

We appreciate your business and hope you love your "new to you" item(s)!

Second Chance Products