Vintage Johnny West Geronimo Cherokee Chief with 38 accessories

38 accessory pieces:

Bear robe

Brown bow with arrow

White bow (broken) with Blue and red arrow

Brown spear



Beaver pelt

Buffalo mask, Indian mask

Indian horse blanket

Indian headdress


Buffalo hat

Beavertail hat

Indian breast vest

Two teeth necklace 

Two pouches

To arrow holders

Brown belt

Two decorative brown belt like sash


3 knife sheath's

1 knife

 medicine pouch


2 ball like weapons 

2 tan leather like items one with the imprint of a buffalo. I am uncertain if they are part of the set.

Please review pictures for exact detail. I was not certain of the names of all of the items. Overall condition is good.  Some pieces may be missing a few tabs on some items.

The Indian is in non-working order his hands thighs and legs are detached from his body as shown in the picture.

Email with any questions or if you need further information.