Welcome To Tone Man Guitar

Tone Man Guitar prebuilt 50's wiring kits will improve your guitars overall tone. Your sound will be stronger, tighter and improved clarity.  Notes will open up with greater sustain. Tone and Volume controls are very responsive and smoother.  By rolling back your volume some you can clean up an over driven amp.  One of my favorite things is the elimination of much of the treble loss when you roll the volume down.  All kits are carefully custom hand wired to order.  Only the best quality parts are used including vintage Gavitt cloth push back wire just like they used back in the 50’s and 60’s. You will not find a better a better product or selection.

Our Deluxe Les Paul Kit uses Paper-In-Oil K42Y tone caps for vintage 50's Gibson tone.  All wired 50's style for more warmth, body and fuller tone.  It will make a difference.

This Kit Is For:

USA Gibson Les Paul manufactured 1977 and after using long shaft pots. Premium new components that perform better than the stock electronics found in today’s guitars.  You will hear and feel the difference and love your new tone.

What’s In The Kit:

  • 50’s wiring for the very best vintage tone.
  • Bourns 500K Long Shaft Coarse Spline Audio Taper pots with Brass Bushings (qty 4)
  • Paper-In-Oil .033uf K42Y-2 Vintage bridge tone cap.
  • Paper-In-Oil .015uf K42Y-2 Vintage neck tone cap.  (.015uf will help remove some of the muddy tone a neck PU can have)
  • Gavitt 22awg vintage cloth push back wire for pot grounding connection.
  • Assembled template hard board.  Note the template does not get installed.  Only used to assure correct measurements when building, shipping protection and makes your part of the installation easier.
  • 50’s Wiring diagram and easy to read installation instructions.
       Tone Cap Options: We recommend the cap values that come standard with this kit for the very best Gibson style vintage but if you prefer any of the below tone cap options add a note to the order when purchased and I will substitute if I have that cap value in stock.
  •    .022uf bridge / .022uf neck
  •    .022uf bridge / .015uf neck

Each harness is custom hand assembled after purchase so my lead time to build your kit before shipping is 5 to 10 business days depending on my back log of kits.  In stock quantity means I have the parts to build that quantity of kits.  You will receive a USPS Ship Tracking number once shipped.

I personally prefer Bourns potentiometers over all other brands including CTS.  I have found them to be smoother, responsive and longer lasting.  The very best taper available.  These pots are 18 spline shaft so USA type knobs will not fit without first pinching the top of the split shaft together a little and slowly push the knob on.  Epiphone and off shore type will fit fine.  We do offer a line of knobs that fit. 

Need New Knobs? Click Visit Store > Knobs 

If you have an imported / outside of USA manufactured guitar you may need to modify the potentiometer holes to 3/8 inch to accommodate the full size Bourns pots. Your installation instructions will cover this. If you have questions feel free to email me.

Tone Man Guitar started from my own passion for music, knowledge of electronics and the love of great vintage guitar tone.  I am a one man shop, do all the work myself and I guarantee the very best workmanship around.  I want you to be Satisfied.


Gary Standerfer

Tone Man Guitar