Making an Archtop Guitar Second Edition

Condition: New - Unused - Unopened
Authorized Dealer: Musical Progressions
Publisher: Centerstream
Format: Softcover
Series: Book
Author: Robert Benedetto
Pages: 316
The definitive work on the design and construction of an acoustic archtop guitar, this updated second edition features 288 pages of content, including 24 color pages and 4 tear-outs. See what industry greats have said about this book:

I know of no other work offering comprehensive step by step coverage of the making of an acoustic jazz guitar.

- George Gruhn

This book is for everyone who loves woodworking, loves guitars, appreciates artistry, and believes that organic materials like spruce, maple and ebony can only achieve their highest function through the hands of a craftsman.

- Howard Paul

I can think of no one more knowledgeable and qualified to share his years of expertise than master luthier Robert Benedetto.

- Dick Boak

Size: 11in x 8.5in

UPC: 888680727239

ISBN: 9781574243550

Inventory#: 000260960