FLYBACK® is an absolutely Ingenious Retriever of Branch-Snagged Flies & Spinning Lures - Ideal Present for the fly fisherman

See other listing for double pack - buy one for a friend.

How many times have you caught your favourite fly in a tree just as you were casting for that rising trout? Remember the struggle you had trying to jump up and grab hold of the offending 
branch which was just out of reach, and in the end pulling the line in frustration hoping that the branch would break before the leader.

Eventually the leader snapped leaving your fly and a length of monofilament hanging in the breeze, ready to ensnare the next passing bird.

Solves one of the fly fisherman's most vexing problems.
 Sure to pay for itself many times over, through retrieved flies, leaders and lures.
Bait and plug casters ... spin fishermen - need Flyback, too!
Heat-treated stainless steel won't rust, discolor, break, bend, or lose its edge.
Coaxial nylon braided line, tested to 75 lbs., won't curl, tangle, unravel, rot or fray.
Takes up very little space in a vest pocket.
8-gauge clear vinyl case attached, with rustproof snap.
Extensively tested in the UK on small rivers and streams..

Latest Review:

When fishing my local river, The Test in Hampshire, the trout were always in the most difficult places to cast - having snagged the leader several times, the flyback saved the only fly that was working that day from many branches, plus saved having line left
hanging to catch any wildlife. I would never do fishing without it.  A. DAY Stockbridge

Hundreds sold - Fantastic gift for the bank or river Fly Fisherman

Make in the USA from quality material for a lifetime of use.

See Youtube:  

Fly Fishing Fly Retriever - Essential Gadget, ideal gift - YouTube

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