THE FINEST BIBLE CHARTS ON EARTH, study books and teaching tools
"Charting the WORD for the CHURCH"
PROFIT FROM THE PROPHETS - Elijah and Elisha, their Ministry and Miracles come alive in

teaching for The NT saint and servant. Emphasis is on the "Double Portion'' Elisha prayed for

and received. A double blessing awaits the reader. 80 pages .

    By Rev.  C. C. Doc  Gosey
    Profit from the Prophets Study



Foreword........................................        1

Elijah ......................................... ...... 1

Elijah the Tishbite ............................        2

The Widow of Zarephath ..........................        3

God Makes Arrangements With The Widow ...........        4

The Barrel Without A Bottom .....................        4

Summation And Application ....................... ...... 5

Death In The Family ............................. ...... 6

The Secret Of A Revival .........................        6

Creature Comforts .............................. ...... 7

Stretched Himself............................... ...... 8

Noah Said "My Didn't It Rain"

Elijah Says "My Isn't It Dry" ..................     10

850 To One .....................................     10

The Fire Falls .................................     11

The Scene Changes ...............................     11

Then The  Fire Fell ............................     12

Drought Ends ....................................     13

Another Kind Of Storm .......................... .... 13

God Speaks On The Mountain .....................     14

Victory In The Valley ...........................     16

Jezebel Murders Naboth ..........................     18

The Journey's End................................     19

The Parting Of The Waters

And The Parting Of The Ways .....................     19

Goodbye .........................................     20

Elisha .........................................     21

Bad Waters Of The Well Of Jericho ..............     23

The Application .................................     24

Waters ..........................................     24

Cruse Or Vessel ................................     26

The Bears Of Bethel .............................     27

Three Kings In A Famine Of Water ................     27

A Widow Woman Many Vessels-One Cruse Of 011 ....     28

The Application .................................     30

Church Visitation ..............................     31

The Second Blessing ............................ ... 32

A Great Woman ..................................     32

Making Room For God ............................ ... 33

Death In The Great Pot .........................     34

The Pot, The Poison, And The Panecea ...........     35

It Is Written...................................     36

Twenty Loaves And 100 Men ......................     37

Naaman The Leper................................. 38

Value Of A Testimony ...........................  39

Not Enough Showmanship ..........................  40

Gehazi Gives In To Greed ........................  42

My Text.......................................... 43

Too Strait For Us Or

Losing Your Head In A Tight Place ..............  44

Moving Day ......................................  46

Too Long In One Place ...........................  46

Building Program ...............................  47

Don't Fly Off The Handle ........................  48

Between The Devil And The Sea ..................  49

Done Quit Cutting And Gone To Clubbing .........  49

Getting Your Head On Straight ...................  50

Finding It Right Where You Lost It............... 51

Abraham Had To Go Right Back To God's Altar .....  51

You Can Lose It, You Know .......................  52

A Steward In A Stew .............................  53

Thief Or Trustee ................................  54

Stewardship Is Managing Wealth ..................  54

God And Mammon ..................................  55

What The Church Needs Most And Misses Least .....  56

A Lame Church Needs Something More

Than A Coin In The Hat ..........................  57

The Iron Did Swim ...............................  58

Understanding The Principle .....................  58

EUsha Cut Down A Stick........................... 59

An Eye Opener..................................... 60

Famine And Prophecy .............................. 61

Why S1t We Here Until We Die ....................  62

God's Sound System ..............................  63

Seven Year Famine And A Living Testimony ........  63

Elisha Goes To Damascus ..........................  64

Elijah's Mission Fulfilled .....................  65

Sands Of The Hour-Glass ........................  65




This book is the outgrowth of studies and sermons over a long period of time, under different

titles. In the life and ministry of these two prophets there are so many rich experi­ences, all

applicable to us today and to the church down thru the centuries; therefore the Title, "PROFIT

FROM THE PROPHETS," seemed appropriate.

Every one of the Prophets has a wealth of teachings beneficial to the Body of Christ. Elijah

was without question among the greatest of God's servants, and his appearance on the Mount

of transfiguration (Luke 9:30 etc.) with Christ and Moses, and the promise of him returning to

earth again "before that great and dreadful day of the Lord," give great prestige to his position

in the plan of God.

Elisha, on the other hand, figured in more miracles over a longer period of time than did Elijah

or any other prophet. His request at the rapture of Elijah "for a double portion of Elijah's spirit"

was answered, at least in part, by him performing "double" the number of miracles Elijah

performed. Elisha was the human factor in 12 recorded miracles while Elijah had only 6 in his



So we commend "PROFIT FROM THE PROPHETS" to you, only asking that you use ALL the