Hava Zingboim Prophecy 2 cream for skin care with hyaluronic acid


Our skin is one of the most beautiful and remarkable things that exists in the nature, but as we all know there is nothing eternal in this world.
Our skin is aging and the time claim our beauty and youth without any compassion.

Anyone in this world would give anything to look young as long as they can, well now there is a way, and you do not have to give the world to get it, it can be yours in a reach of a hand.

Forget about BOTOX, and nay other penetrating scary devices!

More powerful than ever, modified PROPHESY 2 is the ultimate and the only right solution for your younger looks!

Israeli cosmeceuticals pioneer Hava Zingboim has created Prophecy, the first-ever cream formula that allows hyaluronic acid to penetrate into the deeper skin layers.
Once they reach nano size, the hyaluronic acid molecules are transferred into the formula, which enables them to remain nano-sized throughout the process.
The effect of the micronized hyaluronic acid applied to the skin is identical to the effect achieved when injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin, with the benefits of enhanced skin texture and a younger look.
Hyaluronic acid has the unique capacity to bind and retain water molecules in the body. It is found in higher levels in younger skin, in joint fluid where it helps to cushion and lubricate our joints, and in our eyes where it maintains sufficient levels of lubrication. 

In our skin, hyaluronic acid is known to increase our cells’ ability to bind water, giving our skin a plumper and firmer appearance. Imagine a baby’s beautiful skin and how it always looks so plump and smooth.

When applied to the skin through hyaluronic acid, it strengthens the outer layers of the skin to create a healthy barrier, for softer, younger, firmer and more plumped up skin.

Basically, everyone should have the prophecy cream in their day arsenal.