The Secrets of Dance Music Production

Condition: New - Unused - Unopened
Authorized Dealer: Musical Progressions
Publisher: Jake Island Ltd.
Format: Softcover
Series: Book
Author: David Felton
Pages: 312
The world's leading electronic music production magazine delivers the definitive guide to making cutting-edge dance music. Featuring 312 color pages packed with technique, tips, illustrations and hands-on walkthroughs, The Secrets of Dance Music Production pulls together everything you need to take a mix from concept to club-ready master - whether you make house or techno, 2-step or D&B, EDM or trance. Topics include studio fundamentals, the golden rules of mixing, essential techniques, improving writing chops, bigger beats, learning from the masters and more.

Size: 10in x 8.8in

UPC: 888680659042

ISBN: 9780956446039

Inventory#: 000209877