Orgonite Pendant Protection & Healing Orgone, Lapis Lazuli, Gold & Copper

This Pendant is an Orgonite harmonizer, that protects against the negative radiation of the electrosmog and has a harmonizing effect, cleans and charges the body with life-giving Orgone energy.

Wearing an Orgone necklace is a great way to constantly feel the positive effects of Orgonite. 

Good to have with you when you are on the go! 

This Orgonite is a jewel, artistic instrument that contains special metals and crystals.  Each Orgonite is unique and special, carefully constructed through a meditative process. The Orgonite absorbs negative energy like EMF(electromagnetic radiation emitted by electrical appliances and cellular radiation) and transforms it into a positive energy. The Orgonite balances between the energy of the universe to the energy in our personal environment. Each Orgonite constructed of special metals and crystals and designed for a special purpose.


Orgonite has many benefits besides being an artistic object of beauty:

·        Self-healing and other energy healing methods 

·        Clearing & purifying energies in homes and businesses

·        Enhancing the growth of plants in rooms or gardens

·        Purifying water

·        Helps relieve insomnia, sleep is more refreshing

·        Helps to awaken the innate psychic abilities

·        Inspires serenity, good mood and pleasant behavior

·        Helps keeping energy flowing at home, positive and clean


Width:  2.5 cm/1.0"; Thickness: 1.0 cm/0.4”

Geometric figure: Pyramid, Copper Spiral, Dream Catcher
Main stone: Turquoise

Main Metal: Gold, Copper, Iron


Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli is used to create and maintain a connection between the physical and celestial planes, creating a strong spiritual connection. This may be related to its property of assisting in contact with guardian spirits.  As it is also a stone that helps with writing. It can bring mental and emotional virility and strengthen the mind. It also is said to enhance creativity.  Its energy can help organize daily life as well as organizing and quieting a busy or restless mind. Lessening confusion, and increasing concentration.

Amethyst:  Amethyst has the power to focus energy. It is used for problems in the blood and in breathing problems. Amethyst crystal clusters are used to keep the air and life force at home clean and positive. Amethyst clusters, points or several tumbled Amethysts placed in a window that receives sun most of the day are very beneficial to use in healing and to heal negativity in the home. Place Amethyst clusters, points or several tumbled Amethysts in moonlight and everyone in the home will be feeling calmer. Using an Amethyst as a meditation focus will increase the positive spiritual feelings. Amethyst helps overcome fears and cravings. It also helps relieve headaches.


Gold: Promotes the distribution of energy and vitality in the body. It is 'warming' and promotes a well functioning circulation. It helps with problems and diseases of the sexual organs, supports the functioning of glands, assists healing damage to bones and tissues. Regulates conduction of impulses in the nervous system.

Gold helps us out of depression, fear of death, and in severe cases, inclination to commit suicide. It gives self - confidence and confers self-consciousness, releases destructive influences.

Spiritual Gold brings fourth our innermost core, our essence to light, gives meaning to life, enables the realization of good deeds and projects. Represents generosity and magnanimity.

 Copper: Copper promotes absorption of Iron in the small intestine and triggers the transformation of stored iron into a form that can be transported by the blood. It is a catalyst in the formation of hemoglobin and formation of enzymes that keep blood vessels elastic. Copper promotes the development of female sexual organs and helps with menstruation problems. Copper promotes cell growth, cell respiration and pigmentation of hair and skin. The greatest concentration of copper is in the liver, brain and blood. It stimulates all their activities, effective in lowering a temperature and loosening cramps, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying.

Copper increases dream activity and promotes the inner world of pictures and imagination as well as the creative world. As a result of it, develops creative imagination and dissolves confusion. It creates neutrality and balancing of mood, promotes free expression of feelings. Copper makes it possible to live out and enjoy senses and sexuality.

Copper encourages a sense of aesthetics and beauty, as well as the development of spiritual culture. It fortifies a sense of justice, promotes friendship and love towards all beings.

Iron: Iron promotes the absorption of iron through the intestine, the formation of hemoglobin and red blood corpuscles, ensuring transportation of oxygen to the cells of the muscles and organs, good energy transfer and physical vitality. It helps in case of weakness, tiredness and exhaustion. The function of the liver, spleen, intestine and bone marrow are stimulated by Iron. It fortifies the immune system.

Iron has a stimulating, activating effect, encourages activity, initiative, dynamism, endurance, willpower, ability to assert ourselves, and the ability to be enthusiastic about something. Iron promotes the Warrior side of us, the urge to research, discover and conquer. It also promotes an upright attitude and honesty.

Iron promotes inner calm and makes us unchallengeable. It will purify the consciousness of painful and unpleasant contents, gives alertness and deepens meditations. Iron also stimulates the mental processing of perceptions and experiences, thereby helping complete unfinished cycles.


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Disclaimer: We make no medical claims about our products.