About the product
  • ✓ PROPRIETARY BLEND: Our sleep solution formula is made from a proprietary blend of ingredients designed to help improve sleep performance. Natural ingredients including magnesium, L-theanine, melatonin, and vitamin B6 help relax your muscles and stimulate a peaceful mind.
  • ✓ BETTER SLEEP: Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you suffer from insomnia, restless nights, and sleep deprivation? Don't let a lack of sleep impact your quality of life - our best selling sleep aids for adults will help improve your sleep and leave you waking up feeling more rested than ever.
  • ✓ ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Our 100% natural sleep aid is an herbal sleep supplement featuring safe, non habit-forming ingredients. No artificial ingredients - so you can enjoy your sleep the natural way!
  • ✓ WAKE UP REFRESHED: Don't wake up in a haze. Our proprietary blend of ingredients not only helps improve sleep but also helps the body to recover by morning so you can take on the day!
  • ✓ NON HABIT FORMING: Rest assured that our herbal ingredients improve your sleep without promoting addictive habits. This sleeping aid will improve your sleep and leave you in control. 
  • ✓ QUALITY USA MANUFACTURING: Made in a safe facility right here in the USA!
IBS treatment IBSolution Made with natural  ingredients IBS Treatment IBSolution Digestive Comfort and  Support IBS Treatment IBSolution Easy Daily Routine

Wake Up Refreshed
Fall Asleep Relaxed
16 All Natural Ingredients
Studies show that two of the most basic things you can do to maintain a healthy status is to drink a lot of water, and to get a good night's sleep. We can't help you with the water, but if falling asleep or staying asleep for at least 7 hours a night is a challenge, our non-habit forming Sleep Solution can help.
In today's fast paced and stressful world, it can be hard to turn your brain off when your head hits the pillow. And now we know that the light emitted from your phone or iPad can make things worse. Sleep Solution can help you relax and put your body and mind in a state more conducive for quality sleep.
No sense in buying several different sleep supplement products to ease your restless nights. Our blend of 16 anti-stress and anti-anxiety ingredients is one of a kind.  For less than $1 a night, join those who want to avoid habit-forming prescription sleep aids by taking Sleep Solution.

Make 2018 the year you say goodbye to restless nights
Under $1 a Day +
FREE US Shipping & reduced international shipping

Building on the overwhelming success of IBSolution, we've used the same approach to help people tackle some of life's other frustrating health related issues. Studies show that two of the most basic things you can do to maintain a healthy status is to drink a lot of water, and to get a good night's sleep. We can't help you with the water, but if falling asleep or staying asleep for at least 7 hours a night is a challenge, Sleep Solution can help.

Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin B6, Magnesium Citrate, and our Sleep Solution proprietary blend that includes L–Tryptophan, Valerian, Goji (Wolfberry), Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Passion Fruit, L–Taurine, Hops, St. John's Wort, Gaba, Skullcap, L–Theanine, Ashwagandha, Inositol, 5–HTP, and Melatonin.

If you spent the time and trouble to buy a 1 month supply of each of these supplements, it would cost you more than $100/month.  We've done the work and assembled this highly effective, premium sleep blend, for less than $1/day and always free US Shipping!


Great sleep aid

I drive a truck at night and find it really hard to fall asleep while the sun's up after an 8 hour shift. I've been taking this sleep supplement for around 2 months now. It works great! I wake up refreshed and ready to hit the road again. I love that it's all-natural because I worry about getting hooked on harsher things.

A good nights sleep

As of late, it's been really tough for me to settle into a restful place conducive for sleep. I wouldn't say I had anxiety but there was definitely something keeping me on edge. I tried taking the straight melatonin supplements but saw little improvement in my sleep quality. I was reading an article about the dangers of melatonin when I saw this product highly recommended because it only contains a trace. I gave it a try and I'm happy to report that I'm getting a solid 8 hour sleep session every night now, and I'm waking up refreshed. The aforementioned anxiety has gone away too. I'm very happy with this Sleep Solution.

Sleeping like a kitten

I've always been jealous of how well my cat sleeps. I wouldn't call it insomnia but I've definitely struggled with falling asleep and staying asleep for a long time now. This supplement came highly recommended to me by a co-worker so I gave it a try. Now whether I need a quick cat nap or a full night sleep, I'm able to with no problem, just from taking 2 capsules a night around an hour before bed. I'm so glad that I've added this supplement to my daily routine.

On sale!

I came back to buy a second bottle and I got so excited to see this on sale, that I just bought 3. This is BY FAR the best natural sleep aid that I’ve ever tried!

Stopped having to take Melatonin

Started taking this instead of Melatonin because I read on a blog that taking melatonin all the time can deplete your body's natural production of it.  Seems to be working so far on it's own!

5 stars

  If you suffer from insomnia you have to try this.


  Been taking this for 2 weeks and am very happy with the results so far. The best part is that I don't wake up groggy like how I was on Ambien.

Sleeping through the night

Falling asleep has never been the issue with me. The problem that I encountered was that once I woke up because my wife coughed, or the cat jumped on the bed, or I forgot to turn off my ringer, it would take me hours to fall BACK to sleep. Now since taking this sleep aid nightly, I’m happy to report that none of that stuff wakes me up anymore, and I’m waking up very refreshed. I’ve never accomplished this with the other sleep aids that I’ve tried.

5 Stars!

  Had to take this for a few nights to feel the effects, but now I feel way more rested than ever

Occasional Sleeping Problems

I don't have insomnia, but occasionally I go through 2-3 weeks where my sleep is SO POOR. I'm waking up 5-10 times in the middle of the night. This product REALLY helps me fall asleep and has significantly decreased how many times I wake up in the middle of the night if at all!  Highly recommend

So much better than Melatonin!

I work late and have class early so it’s important I fall asleep and stay asleep. It’s been very hard for me to wind down and go to sleep, takes 2 hours at times cutting into my already limited time. On top of that I was waking up multiple times and then having further difficulty falling back to sleep. Since I started this product 2 weeks ago I am falling asleep in 20 minutes and staying asleep until my alarm goes off. So happy!

More alert during the day

The compounding effective of consistent nights of sleeping poorly was really starting to take a toll on my work performance. I wasn’t sharp and by 3pm I was a zombie. Since using this sleep aid, I now get my 8 hours every night and my attention span has improved considerably. Ive also been able to cut my coffee consumption down to just one a day which I was really wanting to do for overall health reasons. I’ve tried many other otc sleep aids but this is the only one that’s worked for me. Glad I did!

Great sleep aid

I bought this a few weeks ago after starting a new job that turned out to be so much more stressful than I had anticipated. I'd close my eyes at night and just be riddled with thoughts of what needed to get done the next day. I was getting maybe 5 hours of sleep a night and it was really starting to effect my work performance and effect my happiness. A co-worker raved to me about Sleep Solution and how well she was sleeping since taking these pills. She was right!

Kicked the Ambien habit

I knew I had to do something about my nightly consumption of Ambien. I was warned about the addictive properties of the sleep drug and I can honestly say that I was starting to feel myself heading in that direction. I researched for a multi-ingredient blend of all natural sleep aids and found this product. It's been 2 months now of taking this nightly and I'm very impressed with the results. I would say with confidence that this works just as well as the prescription.

Great Natural Sleep Aid
Williamsport, PA 

I’ve had a very similar great experience with this sleep aid as most of the other reviewers here. The one thing I’d add is that I’m waking up really refreshed and ready to take on the world. No hazy hangover feeling. Even on morning where I had cocktails the night before. Ha

Sleeping like a little baby

I've been taking 2 of these sleeping pills nearly every night for the past 2 months and I have to say, THEY WORK GREAT! I've tried a lot of other natural sleep aids in the past that were a bit lower in price but were nowhere near as effective. I can see why they call this a premium sleep aid.

Best Sleep Aid I've found yet

I've had struggles with insomnia for years. I've been on many of the prescriptions sleep aids like Ambien, Sonata, etc which worked well but I suffered from some side effects and worried about getting addicted. I can honestly say that this all natural sleep product works as well if not better than the prescriptions.

Great Product
Marie Rollum - Brea, CA  10/26/18

Saw this on eBay while searching for something totally different and found it here for $1 less, so I figured what the heck. I've had problems with insomnia for the past 2 years and tried a lot of the natural sleep aids, in fact a lot of the ingredients that are included in this formula. None of them really worked that well by themselves, but for whatever reason, apparently blending them all together makes a real difference. I'm sleeping all the way thru the night now and waking up energized. Really great stuff!

Sleeping 8 Hours
Jenny - Portland, OR  10/4/18

The first time I have slept a solid 8 hours in several months. Even after I wake up to use the restroom I fall immediately back to sleep. Feeling so much better and rested. No hangover whatsoever!

I love this product!
Steve Matricci - Chicago, IL  09/19/18

Getting a good night sleep has become a challenge for me over the past few years. When my head hits the pillow and I turn off my phone, it's really difficult for me to turn my brain off. I've tried taking some of the ingredients in Sleep Solution by themselves but never saw great results. With this blended product, I'm falling asleep easily and waking up refreshed and energized. It's great.

It Works!
David G - New York, NY  08/28/18

I had suffered from insomnia for many years. Three weeks ago I started taking Sleep Solution. I immediately felt the change in my sleep pattern. I was falling asleep without my regular tossing and turning and I was staying asleep. Even after my nightly bathroom calls I was able to fall back to sleep quickly. Last Friday I had a sleepless night. I even related it to my wife and daughter. The next night I followed my now regular routine of taking Sleep Solution and slept fine. I keep my pills in the M-T-W etc. daily pill boxes. On Sunday I went to refill my box and found that I had forgotten to take my pills on Friday night! That's why I didn't sleep!!! Absolute proof that Sleep Solution works!!!


Sleeping After a Decade of Insomnia!

Natalie E - Nags Head, NC    08/25/18

Finally found something that is non-habit forming and natural that puts me to sleep and keeps me asleep! I've tried it all, drugs and natural. Bravo Super Naturals, this is a home run! No side effects, no hangover - just a pure good night's sleep.


Life Changing!

Lindsay - Austin, TX    08/23/18

I've struggled with sleep for as long as I can remember, even when I took prescription drugs. I've tried all the natural remedies so I was skeptical that this would be different but it is! Sleep Solution stops my brain from spinning when I lay down. I fall asleep and stay asleep which has significantly improved day to day life.