This is the first book written for Hypnotherapy and NLP Practitioners that is devoted entirely to the use of these techniques in enabling smokers to quit. It is written by a Harley Street hypnotherapist with over 12 years experience in helping clients to quit smoking in one-to-one sessions. It combines Ericksonian hypnotherapy and NLP with techniques from cognitive therapy, Yoga and stress management. The book shows how to deal with every possible situation in smoking cessation. It shows how to influence the client even before the session, how to deal with the client on arrival and how to teach self-hypnosis and other techniques which will keep the client a nonsmoker after the session. It provides the details of reliable trance inductions and the essential messages to get across to the client in trance. It details the use of effective techniques in a follow up session. Finally, it provides a practical plan for marketing a hypnotherapy smoking cessation service at low cost but high impact. It concludes with ideas for moving the therapist’s career forward by producing products, running smoking cessation groups and offering smoking cessation services to companies and other institutions. A most practical and comprehensive text.