One very old STANDARD  EIGHT  car...or One very old SIMCA motor car tinplate  clothing badge that will look great in your club hat or jacket.NOTE.... I had one of these before and maybe,although it says Simca on the back....maybe it is not a Simca  on the badge. If this is so,someone kindly wrote to me before and corrected me that it is an English again ,if it's the wrong car this time....please do correct me. I did not expect to have a second one.   I have now been informed by another viewer(thanks for this) that it is indeed a Standard 8, UK car, made 1953-59.###And again...I have been assured by an other helpful person that it is indeed a Simca 8....Therefore the  decision is....I give up.
   Probably 1950s or early 1960s. These badges were made in Western Germany.

SIZE....Badge is about 56mm wide.

ON the reads  SIMCA  MOTOR-CAR ......... France. (However,it is probably actually a Standard 8, British  ,made from 1953-59).

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