A great Short Springbar tool for your Watch


Mini - Fits anywhere include any Travel Case
Ultra-Durable - Extra Compact - Extremely Versatile Perhaps the Greatest Strap & Springbar Tool on The Planet

Stainless Steel

1 peice design

Replace your bands / straps with ease and without scratching...as a small tool is easier to control placement

Our most popular

****There are a few Models (though I have never heard this from a Breguet Owner)  that have Bands or Bracelets that have very tight fittings and some customers want a smaller fork (if so try our Professional strap or our mikrofork series tools that has a tiny fork)..  overall our customers like this model the best however there are a few cases when it is not small enough.  If you get this and find it too large.. let me know and I can swap this out for the Microfork Tool***


This is not produced or endorsed by Harwood® Watch.