MapReduce Big Data - Data Science Video Training Tutorial 3 DVDs Map Reduce 

More than 11 GB of Video files

Multiple sources and covers mostly all the topics of this application

This is a compilation of training tutorial videos as well as books gathered and put onto DVDs.

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Below are the video DVD files:

MapReduce File Name
Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 1 of 5
Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 2 of 5
Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 3 of 5
Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 4 of 5
Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 5 of 5
Cluster Computing and MapReduce Lecture 1
Cluster Computing and MapReduce Lecture 2
Cluster Computing and MapReduce Lecture 3
Cluster Computing and MapReduce Lecture 4
Cluster Computing and MapReduce Lecture 5
EMR Training  Intro to EMR (1 of 11)
EMR Training  Getting Started with EMR (2 of 11)
EMR Training  Running Jobs (3 of 11)
EMR Training  Cluster of Servers (4 of 11)
EMR Training  Dealing with Data (5 of 11)
EMR Training  MapReduce Lab (6 of 11)
EMR Training  Command Line Tools (7 of 11)
EMR Training  Debugging Tips (8 of 11)
EMR Training  Hive & Pig (9 of 11)
EMR Training  Hive Job Flow (10 of 11)
EMR Training  Advanced EMR (11 of 11)
0603 Summingbird Streaming Portable MapReduce
13.66 MapReduce, Semantik von map() und reduce()
3   6 MapReduce Relational Join Social Example 1317)
A Hadoop Ecosystem Overview  Including HDFS, MapReduce, Yarn, Hive, Pig, and HBase
Adam Gray, Amazon Elastic MapReduce
Advance Map Reduce Concepts   Hadoop Training   Hadoop Workshop   DataFlair
Amazon Elastic MapReduce Deep Dive and Best Practices (BDT404)   AWS re Invent 2013
An Introduction to Apache Hadoop MapReduce
Analyze Twitter data with HDInsight using C# MapReduce
Apache Hadoop   MapReduce (MR2) and YARN
Arun Murthy Hadoop Summit 2011 Next Generation Apache Hadoop MapReduce
AWS re  Invent BDT 101  Big Data with Elastic MapReduce
AWS re  Invent BDT 303  Data Science at Netflix with Elastic MapReduce
Beyond Hadoop MapReduce  Interactive Analytic Insights Using Spark
Big Data & Brews  Oscar Boykin from Twitter talks MapReduce, Cascading and Scala
Big Data and Hadoop 1   Hadoop Tutorial 1  Big Data Tutorial 1  Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners  1
Big Data and Hadoop 2   Hadoop Tutorial 2  Big Data Tutorial 2  Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners   2
Big Data and Hadoop for Beginners   Big Data Tutorial   Big Data Hadoop Training
Big Data and Hadoop for Beginners   Hadoop Tutorial   Big Data Hadoop Training   DataFlair
Big Data Clustering  A MapReduce Implementation of Hierarchical Affinity Propagation
Big Data Series 6   Elastic Mapreduce (Amazon EMR)
Building 1000 node elastic Spark clusters on Amazon Elastic MapReduce   Manjeet Chayel (AWS)
Christopher Roach   MapReduce  0 60 in 40 minutes
Clang MapReduce    Automatic C++ Refactoring at Google Scale
Cloud Computing Using MapReduce Hadoop, Spark   Matei Zaharia
Coding Serbia 2014, Ozren Gulan and Dusan Zamurovic   MapReduce  Pig vs Java
Combiner in Hadoop
Comparing MapReduce in Kettle with straight Java
Computer Science 61A   Lecture 38  mapreduce
Computer Science 61A   Lecture 39  mapreduce
Configring input & output directories in hadoop MapReduce
Couchbase 103   Views and Map Reduce
CPEE (CSE 7304c) Big Data   Page Rank and Map Reduce
CS 61A Lecture 34  Mapreduce I
CS 61A Lecture 35  Mapreduce II
CUFP 2013  Sam Ritchie  Realtime MapReduce at Twitter
Debuggging MapReduce program in Eclipse
DEFCON 17  Hadoop  Apache's Open Source Implementation of Google's MapReduce Framework
Demo of Hadoop MapReduce
Demystifying Hadoop 2.0   Part 1   Hadoop Administration Tutorial   Hadoop Admin Tutorial Beginners
Developing MapReduce code in JavaScript
Difference between Old & New Api in Hadoop MapReduce
Ejemplo de MapReduce en MongoDB
EMEA Amazon Elastic MapReduce Webinar
Example  Writing with SQL MapReduce, Session 3 1
Fundamentals of Hadoop MapReduce
Getting Started with Amazon Elastic MapReduce
Google I O 2011  App Engine MapReduce
Google I O 2012   Crunching Big Data with BigQuery
Google Technology RoundTable  Map Reduce
Greenplum MapReduce Demonstration
GridGain Tutorial  Functional Java MapReduce
Hadoop   Map Reduce Programming Model
Hadoop Developer Day Part 1  Intro to Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce
Hadoop Distributed Cache   Advanced Mapreduce Tutorial   2
Hadoop distributed cache   Advanced mapreduce
Hadoop for Java professionals   Hadoop and Java   Hadoop Java Tutorial   Webinar   14 5 2014
Hadoop for the Absolute Beginner
Hadoop Map Reduce Development
Hadoop Map Reduce Part1
Hadoop Map Reduce Vs. Apache Spark & Scala
Hadoop Map Reduce Wordcount example
hadoop mapreduce development under windows 7
Hadoop MapReduce Example How good are a city's farmer's markets
Hadoop MapReduce explained in detail
Hadoop MapReduce Over Lustre
Hadoop MapReduce tutorial   HADOOP TRAINING   Big Data Training      Part 1
Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial   Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners 2   Big Data tutorial 2  Big Data  Hadoop
Hadoop MapReduce Tutorials   Part 1
Hadoop MapReduce
Hadoop Perfomance Tuning   Demo on Hadoop Performance Using Mapreduce Execution
Hadoop Training   MRUnit (MapReduce Testing Framework)
Hadoop Training   What is InputSampler in Hadoop MapReduce  (3)
Hadoop Training 1   Introduction to BigData, Hadoop, HDFS, MAPReduce
Hadoop Tutorials For Beginners   Part 1
Hadoop on Azure   running a MapReduce job in JavaScript w...
Hadoop on Azure   Setting up a 32 node cluster
HDFS Architecture
Hello world job
How MapReduce Works
How TextInput and TextOutput Format works in Mapreduce  with Example
How to design a Talend Map Reduce Job   Talend v5.3 features
In Database MapReduce Applications
In Database Hadoop  When MapReduce Meets the RDBMS
In Database MapReduce Example  Sessionize
Indexing 16  MapReduce
Intro to Hadoop MapReduce with C#
Intro To MapReduce
Introducción al Big Data Open Source  Map reduce, Hive, Pentaho...
Introduction to Advanced MapReduce   Advanced MapReduce Programming Tutorial
Introduction to Amazon Elastic MapReduce
Introduction to HADOOP & map reduce   Hadoop Tutorial
Introduction to Hadoop
Introduction to Map Reduce with Couchbase 2.0 by Tugdual Grall
Introduction to MapReduce   MapReduce Programming Tutorial
Introduction to MapReduce
Introduction to Pentaho MapReduce
Introduction to Python Mapreduce
Java Mapreduce Tutorial   Java Mapreduce Training   Java Mapreduce online Training  
java tutorial Map reduce clearely explained map reduce tutorial
Java Mapreduce Training   Java Mapreduce Online Training   Java Mapreduce Tutorial
Java Mapreduce Tutorial   Java Mapreduce Training
Joe Doliner  Pachyderm   MapReduce without Hadoop
JRuby?DSL?MapReduce ~ Hadoop Papyrus (1 of 2)
K Screencast 02   MapReduce in K
L03V01 mapreducepart1
Large Scale Graph Data Mining with MapReduce a Bag of Tricks, by Nima Sarshar, Ph.D. Intuit 20130624
Learn MapReduce with Playing Cards
Mahout + Hadoop MapReduce + Java + Maven + Eclipse + JUnit
Map Reduce Tutorial   1  Hadoop Map Reduce  1   Hadoop Training   DataFlair
Map Reduce with GigaSpaces
MapReduce   MapReduce Tutorial, MapR, Training   
MapReduce  Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters, presented by Jon Tedesco
MapReduce and R  Short example on regression   forecasting
MapReduce Basics
MapReduce Code
MapReduce Flow Chart
MapReduce for the Masses  Zero to Hadoop in Five Minutes with CommonCrawl
MapReduce in Financial Systems
MapReduce Made Easy With Google App Engine
MapReduce Matrix Multiply Example
MapReduce Programming Demo
MapReduce with just Java
MapReduce(Hadoop ) program End to End Explanation suman tutorial PART 1 
MapReduce(Hadoop ) program End to End Explanation suman tutorial PART 2 
Matt Bossenbroek   PigPen  Map Reduce for Clojure
MicroNugget  What is MapReduce 
MLB Use Case of Pentaho MapReduce
MogoDB MapReduce with C# Part 02
MongoDB   Contoh MapReduce
MongoDB   MapReduce
Near Optimal Parallel Join Processing in MapReduce
Next Generation Hadoop MapReduce by Arun C. Murthy
Partitioner in Hadoop
Pentaho Evaluation Lesson 7  PDI MapReduce
Performing Administrative Tasks in Hadoop on Azure
Python Tips   map, reduce, filter, list comprehensions
Quickstart VM and Eclipse
RavenDB Webinar #1   Status update, map reduce and Q&A   1 5
Real time Streaming and Querying with Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Elastic MapReduce
Running a Wordcount Mapreduce example in Hadoop 2.4.1 Single node Cluster in Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit)
Sam Ritchie   Cascalog 2  Streaming MapReduce in Clojure
SAP HANA Academy   SDA   Hadoop Enhancements   2. Map Reduce Archives [SPS09]
Scalding  Powerful & Concise MapReduce Programming
Seattle Conference on Scalability  MapReduce Used on Large Data Sets
Setup Hadoop 1.x on Single Node Cluster on Ubuntu   Hadoop Training   Hadoop Workshop   DataFlair
SQL Server GroupBy vs. MongoDB MapReduce Part 1 of 2
SQL Server GroupBy vs. MongoDB MapReduce Part 2 of 2
Student Review of Online Hadoop Training   Feedback   Testimonial   DataFlair
Submitting C# MapReduce jobs on Windows Azure HDInsight
The Disco MapReduce Framework
Top Interview questions in Hadoop
Udacity   Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce
Using Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) to Export and Analyze DynamoDB Data
Using Apache Hive With Amazon Elastic MapReduce   1 of 2
Using Java ApprovalTests 02 Hadoop Map Reduce
Web search 6  PageRank using MapReduce
What are all the file input formats in hadoop (MapReduce)
What is Big Data   Big Data Explained   Hadoop & MapReduce
What is Big Data  Big Data Explained (Hadoop & MapReduce)
What is Hadoop   Hadoop 1.x Arch Challenges   Hadoop 2.0 Architecture   YARN
What is Hadoop  Other big data terms like MapReduce  Cloudera's CEO talks us through big data trends
What is Hbase in Hadoop
What is MapReduce 
What is Oozie in Hadoop
Why Partitioner in MapRednce (Hadoop)
Word Count job Implementation In Hadoop
Wordcount MapReduce in R
Wordcount on AWS Elastic Map Reduce
Writing a MapReduce Program using Java eclipse plugin for HDP2
Writing a Multistep MapReduce Job Using the mrjob Python Library  From Data Just Right LiveLessons
Writing MapReduce Applications
YARN  Hadoop Beyond MapReduce
[Clash of the Titans] Beyond MapReduce