Vintage Industrial Truck Fan Clutch Bracket 3D Wood Foundry Pattern Mold 9413

Really neat wood pattern  made out of solid mahogany and then painted red.

This pattern was a fan clutch mounting bracket for  semi or other large construction industrial truck.

Pattern weighs about 4 pounds.

Pattern is 10 1/2" long,  9 5/8" wide  , 2 7/88"  thick 

Today, there are almost no molds made anymore from wood.  They are either made from plastic stock or metal.

This mold  is from an age of days gone by, where most patterns were made from wood.

Pattern making is a  highly skilled trade that required a lot of handwork years ago, now most everything is made with CAD CAM machines.   Pattern making required often working within 5/1000ths of an inch, and was one of the highest paid trades.

My father is winding down his 50 year pattern industry business, and this came from his pattern archives.

Specifically, I do not know what  this was for, it is old enough that records are no longer available to identify  it. 
This was the original wood mold, my fathers' business was subcontracted by a  foundry to make this original mold.   

See my other wood pattern molds I am offering!

Overall  very nice condition.

This will make a great wall decoration if you love industrial related items!

Please email with any specific questions prior to bidding.

Guaranteed Old & Original