Thin Summer Quilt Air Conditioning Bed Cover Washing Cotton Queen King Size Soft

ploaded in 1-3 working days
by our post office,so you can track it on ebay or the Chinese post office websit,please contact us for help if you still don't
know how to track it,we will track it for you.

Q:I have not received my items for a long time,what happend?
A:There are some reasons for this problem,Such as the bad weather,the vacation,and the Customs Strengthen security check,
or the items had been hold in the post office,so please contact us first,we will check for you.

Q:How to return the items?and Who will charge the fees?
A:please contact us first before you return the items,we will help you,and Please be aware the return shipping cost will be
charged on your side ,and The re-send shipping cost will be charged on our side. please give me a message after you send
it back,we will help you.

Q:Do you combine the shipping fees?
A:Sorry,we don't combine the shipping fees,but we can give you some discount when you purchase more items from us.thanks

Questions and Answers
Q:How to check the size?
A:Measure your foot length,and then check it in the table,to choose the right size,the error is in 0.5-0.8cm.

Q:What should I do when I receive the wrong color or size items?
A:please don't worry about this,and please contact us , we can help you to resolve this problem,

Q:Do you have a tracking number and How to track it?
A:Yes,we have a tracking number and add it to ebay websit in 24 hours,the tracking info will be u