ATTENTION: The price shown includes Greek VAT 24% and is applicable to all individuals in EU countries onlyIf you are from any other country including USA, Canada, Australia etc. please use the "make offer" button and divide the price by 1,24.We will first accept this offer to let you proceed with the check-out and payment. If you are a business registered in EU with a valid VAT number again, you can use the same button so to pay without VAT. We will send you a zero VAT tax invoice.

DXer's High-Linearity Pre-Amp (LNA) for VLF/LF/HF Receivers (9 KHZ - 30 MHZ)

4 x GALI-74+

Balanced input Option

Multicoupler Output Option for 4 HF Receivers

Low-Pass Filter at the un-balanced input

IN/OUT Relay

DC through coax (Bias-Tee)

The item (one piece of the DXer's High Linearity LNA for HF receivers) will be shipped fast from Greece, with DHL Express.

A completely built & tested Module is at USD 199.00.

The 24% VAT is only applicable to individual buyers from the EU countries. The price without VAT is  USD 160.48.

Option 1:

Option 1 adds the 4-way splitter at the output.

Rx1 port can still accept DC through the coax to activate the LNA if no local DC power is available   USD 130.00, (104.84 without VAT).

Option 2:

Option 2 adds the balanced input, it consists of 2 RF relays and 2 BALUN transformers wound for 100 to 25 Ohm impedance transformation. USD 44.00, (USD 35.48 without VAT).

Option 1 and option 2 can co-exist.

Please email me for adding one or both of the options.

Check out my other items! I always combine shipping.    

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