Willy Washer

How’s your Willy feeling these days? A little neglected? All it really needs is a thorough cleaning with the Willy Washer. We guarantee you’ll end up feeling more refreshed and relaxed after a good Willy washing. The Willy Washer can handle even the most vigorous cleaning, so it can take what you dish out. There’s nothing better feeling than a clean Willy, so hurry up and get it on…the Willy Washer.

Who would love the Willy Washer?

The Willy Washer can be enjoyed by anyone with a Willy of their own. Don’t let the little fella be neglected when there is such an easy fix. It’s also great for women who would like to help their significant other wash their Willy. We’re sure she would appreciate it, and it’s fun for everyone involved.

Frequently Asked Question

My Willy hasn’t been washed in months, can this help?

We can’t think why anyone would wait months to wash their Willy, but this little circle soap miracle can certainly help with the problem. The Willy Washer is so easy to use, you’ll probably be washing two or three times a day. Once you get the feeling of a good washed Willy, your shower will probably become your new happy place.

Can my Willy be too clean?

There’s no such thing as too clean a Willy. As long as you take care of it and create a cleaning regimen that is right for you, then everything should be fine. We know it’s tempting to use the Willy Washer all the time, but only do it when you feel appropriate. If you are an avid Willy washer, then you might want to buy several Willy Washers to keep up with demand.