Liquid Mineral Complex™
Unique and Rich Water-Soluble Blend of 84 Life-Enhancing Ionically Charged Ocean Minerals 
and Trace Elements - 8oz Bottle

High Quality, Most Regenerative, Non-toxic Nutritional and Life Enhancing!

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This Gift of God has enriched thousands of lives!

You WILL “Feel the Difference”

Linus Pauling, Ph. D
(Two time Nobel Prize winner)

Put The BEST Liquid Minerals Back Into Your Body! Let Your Body Do
What God Intended It To Do! Let Your Body Naturally Heal Itself! 

The energy that you see in those energetic little kids has been bottled for you!
...its the essence of life! Replacing lost nutrients and minerals from years of 
malnourishment!  A life transfusion in a bottle!

The liquid that has Himalayan People's normal life span over 100 years! 

The Himalayan people bath in it every day as well as drink a gallon of their "glacier water".
When analyzed it is found to be a complete 84 mineral rich water from the deep ocean 
that has melted from the glaciers, hence "glacier water" name. 

This Gift of God has enriched thousands of lives!
You WILL “Feel the Difference”

This product is 100% natural from God's earth!

Concentrated, overall dietary supplement. Liquid Mineral Complex is a unique and rich water-soluble blend of 84 ionically charged ocean minerals and trace elements derived from purified pristine sea water. These life-enhancing ionic ocean minerals are surging with ionically charged minerals and trace elements that the body needs for optimal health and vitality. Liquid Mineral Complex increases energy, promotes overall well-being, helps the body function at its optimal level, and benefits many systems of the body. 

Special purification process blends minerals and trace elements, including magnesium and potassium. Essentially the same composition as mineral-rich ocean water extracted from the Great Inland Sea. This is mineral nutrition that provide the essential support and balance your body truly needs. The energy that you see in those energetic little kids has been bottled for you...its the essence of life, a life transfusion in a bottle...just put several drops in your favorite juice and you can boost your vitality and uncover your youthful energy in just minutes! Use daily for a balance of required minerals for radiant health. 

Suggested Use:

(NOTE: Each bottle has a convenient dropper/pour combo cap for quick & easy dispensing. Also, product refrigeration is not necessary.)
Pour 1/2 teaspoon (40 drops) once daily or 1/4 teaspoon (20 drops) twice daily into a glass of filtered water or your favorite fruit or vegetable juice. 

Additional Uses:
· Cooking: Add to replace the loss of essential minerals. 
· Soothing Mineral Bath: Add 1/2 cup in bathtub of filtered water once or twice a week to help ease aching muscles and joints. 
· Plants & Gardening: Add 1/4 teaspoon to gallon of filtered water. 
· Re-Mineralized De-Ionized, Reverse Osmosis, or Distilled Water: Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to gallon of water. 
· Cuts & Scrapes: Apply direct or dilute 1/2 teaspoon (40 drops) into a glass of filtered water. 
· Sore Throats: Dilute 1/2 teaspoon (40 drops) into a glass of filtered water and gargle. 
· Pets: Pour 1/2 teaspoon (40 drops) once daily into bowl of filtered water.

Ingredients: Life-enhancing, Liquid Ionic Ocean Minerals and Trace Elements. This product contains a rich water-soluble blend of 84 ionically charged ocean minerals in the following healthful, naturally occurring and/or varying trace amounts: Magnesium, Chloride, Sodium, Potassium, Sulfate, Lithium, Boron, Calcium, Chromium, Bromide, Carbonate, Bicarbonate, Nitrogen, Zinc, Nickel, Tungsten, Germanium, Selenium, Phosphorus, Iodide, Manganese, Gold, Silver, Fluoride, Silicon, Titanium, Rubidium, Copper, Antimony, Molybdenum, Strontium, Scandium, Vanadium, Tellurium, Barium, Lanthanum, Yttrium, Gallium, Bismuth, Zirconium, Cerium, Cesium, Beryllium, Hafnium, Holmium, Samarium, Terbium, Europium, Gadolinium, Dysprosium, Thorium, Lutetium, Thulium, Cadmium, Erbium, Ytterbium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Niobium, Tantalum, Thallium, Rhenium, Indium, Palladium, Platinum, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Radon, and other elements found in sea water. This product is 100% natural from God's earth and contains no other added ingredients.

Minerals are part of bones, teeth, soft tissue, muscle, blood and nerve cells. They aid in muscle response, nerve impulse transmission, digestion, metabolism, and hormone production. Minerals function as coenzymes and are essential to the proper utilization of vitamins and other minerals. A mineral deficiency often results in illness.
Minerals are the “Essence of Life.” In addition to providing us with shape and support for our skeleton, minerals are essential in the diet and each plays unique and often multi-factorial roles as they act at all levels of the body - cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organism.  All of our body processes depend upon the action of minerals to activate the enzymes which perform bodily functions we take for granted. Most of us think of minerals as being necessary for strong bones and teeth, but minerals do much more.
Without proper mineral ratios we could not set into motion the properties and functions of enzymes, vitamins or amino acids. These elemental components are responsible for every activity in every cell of our bodies. Cellular functions require a proper chain of events that start with minerals. Without the proper mineral we could not twitch an eyelid or form a thought. 
Key Essence of Life
Each and every mineral that exists in the earth also exists in us and in all living things. Just as the earth must maintain its balance to function optimally, our bodies need balance, too. When given the right materials in the right form (from nature) the body can do amazing things to promote its own health. The earth naturally gives us minerals via water and food. Today, with current farming practices that deplete soil of necessary minerals and water supplies that have been polluted and poisoned, our population has become mineral malnourished. Liquid Mineral Complex™ provides you with minerals the way God naturally intended, giving you purity that you can see, taste and feel.
Magic of Minerals
The only thing that will catalyze or activate an enzyme is a mineral. While very difficult to measure within each cell (in fact this capability still eludes our present scientific measurement technology) it can be assumed that most cells require a full complement of all minerals to function correctly. We do know that some organs require higher concentrations of certain minerals.
Why Minerals are Necessary

Minerals are necessary for the formation of blood and bone, body fluids, cellular growth and healing, energy, muscle tone, and nerve function.  Minerals are often vital in the absorption, function and effectiveness of certain vitamins.  If minerals arenot present in the proper proportion, then vitamins are not sufficiently absorbed.

a)    The body must maintain an adequate mineral supply to maintain a balance between internal and external pressures of the body     cells called "osmotic equilibrium." This state must be maintained for normal cell function and continued youthful health. The                 body does not absorb Pill/rock minerals and only assimilates about 1% into your system, making it imperative to take                         ocean/sea based minerals for 99% absorption! 
b)    All nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, oil, etc., require minerals for activity. All bodily processes depend upon the action of minerals to work properly. 
c)    Trace minerals are more important in nutrition than vitamins. Vitamins can be synthesized by living matter - minerals cannot.
d)    Vitamins are required for every biochemical activity of the body but, Vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present.
e)    Minerals are what make enzyme functions possible. Minerals combine with enzymes into an alkaline detoxifying agent that neutralizes the acid metabolic by-products of the cells and other toxic conditions within the body and prepares them for elimination.  
f)    Glandular hormonal secretion is dependent upon mineral stimulation, which is insufficient to non-existent without minerals to balance, hence the upsurge of PMS and early menopause in women and Prostate cancer and other cancers in men. 
g)    The acid-alkaline balance (pH) of tissue fluid is controlled by minerals.
h)    All elements work together as a collective whole. If there is a shortage of just one mineral, the balance of the entire bodily activity can be thrown away. A deficiency of one mineral may disrupt the entire chain of life, rendering other nutrients either useless or inefficient. 
i)    The mineral concept is still not brought into play by the traditional medical community! The following explanations may shed some light on some problem or problems you or someone you know may be having or have had! Note that the same problems are listed with several different minerals therefore making it necessary to have the total 84 minerals and trace minerals in your system daily! 
The following list of the now recognized minerals and in years to come will add more, as studies discover the insufficiencies noted in different illnesses. 

Is said to potentiate estrogen's role in building bones by helping convert vitamin D into the active form necessary for the absorption of calcium. Boron is essential to bone metabolism and calcification of bones, and helps prevent osteoporosis, arthritis, and tooth decay. Boron is necessary for cartilage formation and repair; it affects calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus levels
Memory and brain function can be improved with boron. Boron plays a role in regulating the hormones, especially estrogen, but testosterone as well. A boron deficiency can cause weak and fragile cell walls. Some research shows that boron improves libido. Boron is stored in the parathyroid glands.
Indications of insufficient of Boron may be: Arthritis, Memory loss, Brittle bones, Muscle pain, Carpal Tunnel syndrome, Osteoporosis, Degenerative Joint Disease, Receding gums, Hormonal imbalance, Weak cartilage and Loss of libido…
Calcium is one of the most essential of the major biochemical elements needed in human nutrition. It is necessary for every organ of the body, including the brain. Calcium is called the "knitter" because it promotes healing or knitting everywhere in the body. It is valuable for tone, power, strength, longevity, vitality, and endurance, healing of wounds, counter-acting acids, and helping regulate metabolism. Because it is used in almost every function, calcium is commonly deficient in our diets. It is one of the first elements to go out of balance when the diet is inadequate. Calcium is stored in the blood and teeth, as well as in the nerves, muscles and tissues. Calcium requires other minerals to be effective and do its job. Magnesium and Vitamin D increase calcium absorption while sodium helps keep calcium in soluble form in the body (it must be water soluble to be useable). Calcium raises the body's resistance to viruses, parasites, bacteria, and cancer. A lack of calcium leads to a host of diseases and degenerative conditions. Pure water-soluble calcium serves a two-fold purpose; it helps reverse symptoms caused by a buildup of compounded calcium, like kidney stones, gallstones, arthritis, and high cholesterol, and helps reverse conditions caused by a deficiency of calcium like acidosis and osteoporosis. A high incidence of cavities, or white spots on fingernails indicates a calcium deficiency. This mineral is necessary to regain the proper pH balance.
Osteoporosis, Arthritis - calcium level is low, then there are possible indicators toward osteoporosis (demineralization of bone), increased tendency to bone fractures, dental caries, periodontal disease, muscle cramps, etc. 
Indications of insufficient of Calcium may be: Acne, Cancer, Arthritis, Cavities, Acidosis, Cataracts, Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.), Enlarged heart, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Bell's Palsy, Gallstones, Cramps, High Cholesterol, Common cold, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome… 

Chromium deficiency is a major factor in the development of heart disease (heart attacks, hardening of the arteries). Chromium is stored principally in the kidneys, spleen and testes, with trace amounts found in the heart, lungs, pancreas and brain. The body cannot easily absorb chromium if other minerals are out of balance as well. 
Chromium helps the body regulate metabolism, and regulate insulin and blood sugar levels. Chromium helps the body lose weight by stimulating enzymes that metabolize glucose for energy. It plays an important role in the liver synthesis of fatty acids (burns fat). When the body is deficient in chromium, twice the amount of time is needed for insulin to remove glucose from the blood. Chromium enhances insulin performance and glucose utilization and helps carry proteins. Chromium works best if taken before meals. Refined sugar causes the body to deplete chromium more rapidly. Strenuous exercise can also deplete chromium levels. The elderly are unable to store as much chromium in the body as are younger people. The refining of starches and carbohydrates robs foods of chromium. If you are American you have less chromium in the soil compared to European soil. 
Indications of insufficient of Chromium may be: Anxiety, Hyperinsulinism, Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D), Hypoglycemia, Aortic cholesterol plaque, Hyperactivity, Arteriosclerosis, Impaired growth, Bi-polar disease /Manic Depressive Illness, Infertility, Decreased sperm count, Coronary blood vessel disease, Obesity, Depression, Pre-diabetes, Diabetes, Peripheral neuropathy, High blood cholesterol…  

Copper is most concentrated in the liver, heart, kidneys, brain, bones, and muscles and is essential in the blood. Trace amounts are present in all body tissues. Without copper iron cannot be assimilated; iron and copper work together in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Various enzyme reactions require copper. Copper increases healing by increasing the protein metabolism and improves vitamin C. Low or high copper levels can be found in those with mental and emotional problems. Copper helps rid the body of parasites, and is beneficial for graying and thinning hair. Copper excess is not common because only a small percentage is assimilated and in those rare instances can present serious disease states. 
Copper insufficiency in the body can present as Menkes' syndrome. An inherited copper deficiency occurs in male infants who have with an incidence of about 1 in 50,000 live births. The disorder is characterized by deficiencies of copper in the liver and serum and, more significantly, deficiencies of essential copper proteins, including cytochrome-c oxidase, ceruloplasmin, and lysyl oxidase. Clinically, the disorder is characterized by severe mental retardation; sparse, steely, or kinky hair; and a number of other abnormalities, some of which can be correlated with deficiencies of specific copper proteins. 
Indications of insufficient of Copper may be: Allergies, Kawasaki Disease, Anemia, Liver cirrhosis, Aneurysm, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Oppressed breathing, Dry brittle hair, Parasites, Edema, Parkinson's Disease, Gulf War Syndrome, Reduced glucose tolerance, Hernias, Ruptured disc, High blood cholesterol, Skin eruptions or sores, Hypo and hyper thyroid, White or gray hair, Hair loss/baldness, Varicose veins, Heart disease, Wrinkled skin... 

Germanium is one of the most dynamic new discoveries of trace elements it may be necessary for optimum nutritional health. Germanium may increases the level of activity of various organs (facilitates oxygen uptake) and helps to detox harmful pollutants and arrest germ activity. Germanium  may  act as an electrical semiconductor, helping correct distortions in the areas of the electrical fields. Germanium continues to be researched for all its possible supplementary applications.
Indications of insufficient of Germanium may be: Poor immune system creates an atmosphere for Asthma, Leukemia, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Neuralgia, Cardiac Insufficiency, Nephritis, Hypertension, Neurotic disorders, Hepatic cirrhosis, Softening of brain tissue... 

Gold promotes and enhances the body's natural defenses against illness, and promotes vitality and longevity. Gold has been found to improve glandular function. It helps the body to relax. Some people report that after taking gold for an extended period of time, it raises energy levels. It is also believed that gold helps repair damaged DNA. 
Gold is effective against joint inflammation and, when used with aspirin for arthritis, relieves pain, sometimes given in Injectable form for severe arthritis. Gold is not an analgesic but is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. 
Indications of insufficient of Gold may be: Arthritis, Gland dysfunction, Brain dysfunction, Heat flashes, Chills, Insomnia, Cancer, Joint inflammation, Circulatory disorders, Night sweats, Depression, Obesity, Digestive disorders, Seasonal, Affective Disorder (SAD), Drug/alcohol addiction, Neutralizes fluoride poisoning... 

Iodine is one of the most vital of the biochemical elements and called a vibratory of the highest frequency rates of all the body elements. It mainly affects the thyroid, which not only controls many important functions in the body, but also keeps us in a quickened state of health. Iodine restores heat and assists calcium in the repair and building of tissue in the body. Iodine is stored mostly in the thyroid, and in smaller amounts in the muscles, skin, and bones. 
The thyroid gland secretes iodine. Hormones produced by the thyroid regulate and control the metabolism of the body, increasing the assimilation of salts. They also control digestion, heart rate, body temperature, nervous system, reproductive system and body weight. Iodine protects the brain by destroying harmful toxins and helps neutralize toxins in the rest of the body. Iodine aids the assimilation of calcium and silicon. Skin problems such as dry or scaly skin are indicative of an iodine deficiency. An elevated ongoing intake of iodine would be required in order to produce iodine toxicity. Allergic reactions to iodine occur occasionally, manifesting as skin rashes or acne. 
Indications of insufficient of Iodine may be: Acne, Hyper and Hypothyroidism, Cretinism, Lethargy, Depression, Miscarriages, Frustration, Scaly or dry skin, Goiter, Sterility, Infertility, Hormonal imbalance... 

Lithium is one of the better know and studied trace mineral that is useful in treating alcoholism, manic depression and mental instability. Unlike our other mineral waters, lithium could have serious side effects. We believe that water-soluble ionic lithium does not have the side effects commonly associated with lithium compounds available from other sources. 
Indications of insufficient of Lithium may be: Alcoholism, Bi-polar / Manic Depression, Mental instability... 

Magnesium is a natural tranquilizer. Known as an "anti-stress mineral," it aids in relaxing nerves, relieving tension, assisting digestion, activating enzymes important for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and modulating the electrical impulses across all cell membranes. 
Magnesium is important in the production and transfer of energy, muscle contraction and relaxation, and nerve conduction. It also aids regularity, is necessary to keep vertebrae in their proper position, induces restful sleep, purifies and purges body tissues (combats acids, toxins, gases, impurities, and neutralizes poisons), and lowers fever. Magnesium is stored in the bowel, nerves and ligaments. Chlorophyll and green vegetables contain large amounts of magnesium 
Indications of insufficient of Magnesium may be: Asthma, Malignant calcification of tissue, Anorexia, Migraines, Cramps, Muscular weakness, Convulsions, Muscle tremors, Calcification of organs, Muscle tics, Calcification of small arteries, Myocardial infarction, Depression, Neuromuscular problems, ECG changes, PMS, Growth failure, Vertigo, Headaches, Wrinkles, Kidney stones, Heart Disease... 

Manganese, the "brain mineral," is important in the utilization of all mental facilities/functions. It aids healthy memory and other brain and nerve impulses. Though only found in trace amounts in the body, good health is impossible without it. It increases resistance and recuperative ability and, like iron, aids in oxygen transfer from lungs to cells. 
Manganese strengthens tendons, tissues, ligaments, and linings in and outside of organs… "If the human body is well supplied with manganese, various tissues, cells and nerves are kept elasticized and strong” Manganese makes up part of a molecule known as mucopolysaccharides, which are used to form collagen, the strong fibrous connective material that builds tissue, bone, and cartilage. This mesh of collagen is the framework on which calcium, magnesium, and other bone hardening minerals are deposited. Deficiency of Manganese is prevalent in Deafness due to damage of the cartilage of the ear. Manganese has a positive effect on the libido by increasing energy levels and the brain's ability to receive and send messages. It also helps the reproductive organs to work properly because of its effect on tissues and nerves. Production of sex hormones is aided by manganese. It can help reduce menstrual cramps and PMS. Manganese is stored half in the bones and the remainder in the liver, pancreas, pituitary gland, and kidneys. 
Indications of insufficient of Manganese maybe: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Deafness, Nerve problems, Depression, PMS, Gout, Poor muscle co-ordination, Hearing problems, Retarded growth rate, Infertility, Ringing in ears (Tinnitus), Lack of concentration, Stiff tendons, Loss of libido in both sexes, Stuttering, Memory loss/mental confusion, Tremors, Miscarriages or still births...  

Molybdenum is a little-known, though essential, trace minerals instrumental in regulating pH balance in the body. For each pH point increase (e.g., 6.1-6.2), the oxygen level is increased ten times, thus increasing the metabolism and enhancing the body's ability to burn fat. 
Although very small amounts are needed, molybdenum is a vital part of three important enzyme systems and is necessary for the proper function of certain enzyme-dependent processes, including the metabolizing of iron. When the iron stored in the liver is freed, it can then carry oxygen to body cells and tissue. Molybdenum works in conjunction with the enzyme systems to help eliminate toxic nitrogen waste by turning it into uric acid. The uric acid then can be converted and more easily flushed out of the system. 
Molybdenum promotes general well being, aids in carbohydrate metabolism, has proven itself useful in MSG (or other chemical) sensitivity, increases libido, and may enhance the effect of fluorine in tooth decay prevention (dental enamel is rich in molybdenum). It also induces sleep. 
Because of molybdenum's ability to raise the body's pH, it may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer, viruses, and parasites.
There is no recommended dietary allowance (RDA) established for molybdenum, and it is considered safe up to 15 mg. per day.
Indications of insufficient Molybdenum may be: Acne, E. coli, AIDS, Eczema, Allergies, Epstein Barr virus, Anemia, Gout, Anthrax, Gulf War Syndrome, Asthma, Hepatitis C, Athlete's foot, Herpes simplex, Bell's Palsy, Impotency, Bladder infection, Insomnia, Cancer, Liver damage - Cirrhosis, Candidiasis, Lupus, Canker sores, Lyme's Disease, Cavities, Multiple Sclerosis, Contrail/Chemtrail exposure, Obesity, Colds/Flu, Parasites, Depression, Prostate infection, Diabetes, Ringworm…
Platinum is used in the treatment of cancer and as a base in some of the chemotherapeutic treatments in conventional hospitals, in chemical manmade, not natural form.
In the early 1970's, platinum was used in the dye in x-rays of women's breasts. Breast lumps reportedly began shrinking and even disappearing after use of the dye. Many believed the platinum in the dye caused the shrinking and disappearance. Since then, platinum dye has been replaced with radioactive dyes? Platinum may be effective in killing disease causing bacteria, fungus, viruses, and help boost the immune system.
Indications of insufficient Platinum may be: Bad circulation, Insomnia, Bluish tint to skin, Intestinal pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Muscle weakness, Diabetes, Oppressive breathing, Earaches, Pain in the eyes, Edema, Prolapsed uterus, Headaches, Swollen glands, Heart palpitations, Tissue anemia, Hypertension, Water retention... 

Potassium is called the "alkalizer." It neutralizes acids and restores alkaline salts to the blood stream. Again a mineral that requires other minerals to be effective. Potassium works with sodium in all cells including at nerve synapses to maintain or restore membrane potentials and assist in metabolic processes. Potassium is critical to cardiovascular and nerve function, regulating the transfer of nutrients into cells, and facilitating muscle energy. Potassium also regulates water balance, assists 
Recuperative powers, aids rheumatic or arthritic conditions - detoxing acids to leave the joints and ease stiffness - is vital for the elimination of wastes, is a natural pain desensitizer, helps control convulsions, headaches, and migraines, promotes faster healing of cuts, bruises and other injuries, and generally contributes to a sense of well being. Potassium is stored in the muscles... 
Indications of insufficient Potassium may be: Bad circulation, Insomnia, Bluish tint to skin, Intestinal pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Muscle weakness, Diabetes, Oppressive breathing, Earaches, Pain in the eyes, Edema, Prolapsed uterus, Headaches, Swollen glands, Heart palpitations, Tissue anemia, Hypertension, Water retention.  

Selenium is an essential trace mineral that works with Vitamin E in metabolic functions. It promotes normal body growth, enhances fertility, encourages tissue elasticity and is a potent antioxidant that naturally reduces the retention of toxic metals in the body. Selenium is crucial for the proper functioning of the heart muscle and there is evidence that it can help the body fight cancer. The people of Norfolk, England, are said to be among some of the longest-lived. Scientists believe it is due to high concentrations of selenium in the soil. A low level of selenium in soil has long been associated with higher cancer rates. Selenium is stored in muscle and other tissues, as well as in the liver and kidneys... It also enhances the effectiveness of vitamin E, known since 1957! Stimulate the production of immunoglobulins. Known to bind mercury in the human system, thus not allowing it to be absorbed and pass harmlessly thru?
Indications of insufficient of Selenium may be: Age spots, Prostate Cancer, Liver spots, Immune deficiencies, Alzheimer's, Infertility, Anemia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Cancer, Muscular Dystrophy (MD), Cardiomyopathy, Muscular weakness, Cirrhosis of the liver, Pancreatic atrophy, Cystic Fibrosis, Pancreatitis, Fatigue, Parkinson's Disease, Fibromyalgia, Premature aging, Heart disease, Scoliosis, Heart palpitations, Sickle cell anemia, HIV (AIDS), Sudden Infant Death, Syndrome (SIDS), Hot flashes...  

Silver has been used for thousands of years for health care. It is believed that silver, is a systemic disinfectant and works like a secondary immune system. Since silver kills only bacteria that is anaerobic or nitrogen breathing, the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract are immune to it due to the fact that they are oxygen breathing, (aerobic). Silver can also neutralize sodium fluoride poisoning. Silver is known to kill more than 640 bacterial and viral infections.
When man began to manufacture antibiotics, clinical uses for silver as an antibiotic were discarded, but is now being discovered as the smartest non-mutating antibiotic thereby preventing mutating mega bacteria.
Indications of insufficient of Silver may be: Anthrax, Gonorrhea, Athlete's foot, Impetigo, Boils, Infection, Candida, Influenza, Cerebral-spinal meningitis, Intestinal trouble, Colitis, Pneumococci, Cystitis, Ringworm, Dermatitis, Shingles, Diphtheria, Staphylococci, Diplococcus, Tuberculosis, Dysentery, Warts, E. Coli, Whooping cough... 

Sulfur is known as a healing mineral. It aids every cell in the elimination of toxic substances through agitation. Sulfur aids functions in enzyme reactions and protein synthesis and is important in cellular respiration. Sulfur is the flexible bond that connects cells; it is the lubricant found between joints. A deficiency of water-soluble sulfur can lead to a variety of conditions.
It is believed that sulfur can repair the myelin sheath, the protector on the end of every nerve in the body. Damage to the myelin sheath causes the shaking condition in palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Lorenzo's Disease and many other disease conditions where motor functions are uncontrollable.
Chronic or severe allergies to materials such as dust, pollen, wool, animal hair, feathers, etc. with symptoms ranging from respiratory congestion to inflammation, itching, and general discomfort, can be relieved with sulfur. It increases blood circulation, reduces back pain, relieves migraine headaches, promotes muscle healing, scavenges free radicals, beautifies the skin, relieves allergies to food, controls acidity in stomach ulcers, is important for carbohydrate metabolism and speeds wound healing. Sulfur is stored in the brain, nerves, bowel and liver, and in all body cells, especially skin, hair, and nails.
Indications of insufficient of Sulfur may be: Arthritis, Infection, Asthma, Migraines, Acne, Muscle pain, Back pain, Nerve disorders, Constipation, Stress, Circulatory problems, Skin disorders, Dry skin, Urinary tract disorders, Free radical damage, Muscle and skeletal disorders, Inflammation, Wrinkles... 

Vanadium regulates the circulatory system, helps reduce cholesterol levels and buildup in the central nervous system, lowers elevated blood sugar and is believed to help reduce the incidence of heart attack. When used in combination with chromium it is found to be very beneficial in dealing with mineral deficiencies found in diabetics and hypoglycemics.
It has been estimated that 80 million Americans exhibit some of the characteristics of diabetes such as insulin resistance, excess insulin release, high triglycerides and high blood sugar. Chronic weight loss or gain, frequent urination, and chronic thirst are warning signs that are indicative of the possible onset of diabetes.
It helps reduce cholesterol levels and buildup in the central nervous system, lowers elevated blood sugar and is believed to help reduce the incidence of heart attack. When used in combination with chromium it is found to be very beneficial in dealing with those mineral deficiencies found in diabetics and hypoglycemics.
It has been estimated that 80 million Americans exhibit some of the characteristics of diabetes such as insulin resistance, excess insulin release, high triglycerides and high blood sugar, leading this writer to believe it is simply a total mineral deficiency, caused from the lack of mineral content in our foods. Chronic weight loss or gain, frequent urination, and chronic thirst are warning signs that are indicative of the possible onset of diabetes.
Indications of insufficient of Vanadium may be: Cardiovascular disease, Infertility, Diabetes, Metabolic dysfunction, High cholesterol, Obesity, Hyperinsulinism, Pancreatic dysfunction, Hypoglycemia...

Zinc deficiency is common due to depletion of our soil and losses associated with food processing. Zinc aids in: the proper assimilation of vitamins, normal growth and development, maintenance of body tissues, sexual function, immune system, chemical detoxification, synthesis of DNA, and helps reduce healing time both before and after surgery. It is an anti-oxidant, and must be in proper balance to assist some 25 enzymes in various functions involving digestion, metabolism, and reproduction.
In the 1800's surgeons used zinc as an antiseptic/antibiotic after surgery and it was noted for its healing properties. Lack of zinc in pregnant women can result in numerous birth defects such as: Down's Syndrome, cleft lip, spina bifida, clubbed limbs, hiatal hernia, and umbilical hernias. Zinc is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and is found in all the body fluids, including the moisture in the eyes, lungs, nose, urine, and saliva.
Because zinc moves through all the fluids in the body, it creates a defense against infection-causing bacteria and viruses trying to enter the body and stops bacterial and viral replication. Zinc is stored in the thyroid, pancreas, liver, kidneys, bones, voluntary muscles, prostate, sperm, skin, hair, nails, white blood corpuscles and parts of the eyes.
Indications of insufficient of Zinc may be: Angina, Herpes, Alzheimer's, Hypertension, Anemia, Hair loss, Anthrax, Infertility, Alcoholism, Infection, Acne, Libido, Anorexia & Bulimia, Loss of smell and taste, Body odor, Miscarriages, Birth defects, Obesity, Cavities, PMS, Crohn's Disease, Still births, Depression, Thyroid disorders, Diabetes, Urinary tract, infections, Eye diseases, Free radical damage...

The moral of this article: Take your total 84 essential liquid ionic minerals daily for optimum health and reduce risks of serious illness!

The following was issued by the United States Congress in 1936:
Excerpts from Senate Document 264
In 1936 the United States Senate issued Document 264 relating to proper food mineral balances presented by Mr. Fletcher. The pioneers of this era and the genius in the field of nutrition demonstrated that countless human ills stem from the fact that impoverished soil in America no longer provides plant foods with the mineral elements essential to human nourishment and health! The pertinent excerpts from this document are published here for your review: 
“Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come from are brought into proper mineral balance?” 
“The alarming fact is that foods - fruits, vegetables and grains - now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contains enough of certain minerals, are starving us - no matter how much of them we eat!” 
“This talk of minerals is novel and quite startling. In fact, a realization of the importance of minerals in food is so new that the textbooks on nutritional dietetics contain very little about it. Nevertheless it is something that concerns all of us, and the further we delve into it the more startling it becomes”. 
“Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs and even the milk and meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the mineral salts he requires for perfect health...” 
“No longer does a balanced and fully nourishing diet consist merely of so many calories or certain vitamins or a fixed proportion of starches, proteins, and carbohydrates. We now know that it must contain, in addition, something like a score of trace mineral salts”. 
“It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99 percent of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in DISEASE. Any upset of the balance, any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, shorten our lives”. 
“This discovery is one of the latest and most important contributions of science to the problem of human health”. 
“Dr. Northern asked himself how foods can be used intelligently in the treatment of disease, when they differed so widely in content. The answer seemed to be that they could not be used intelligently. In establishing the fact that serious deficiencies existed and in searching out the reasons therefore, he made an extensive study of the soil. It was he who first voiced the surprising fact that we must make soil building the basis of food building in order to accomplish human building. Bear in mind, says Dr. Northern, that minerals are vital to human metabolism and health-and that no plant or animal can appropriate to itself any mineral which is not present in the soil upon which it feeds.” 

We know that vitamins are complex chemical substances which are indispensable to nutrition, and that each of them is important for the normal function of some special structure of the body. Disorder and disease result from any vitamin deficiency. It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and that in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless”. 
“Certainly our physical well being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take in to our system than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume.” 
“So it goes, each mineral element playing a definite role in nutrition. A characteristic set of symptoms, just as specific as any vitamin deficiency disease, follows a deficiency in any one of them. It is alarming, therefore, to face the fact that we are starving for these precious health-giving substances.” 
“The minerals in fruit and vegetables are colloidal; i.e., they are in a state of such extremely fine suspension that they can be assimilated by the human system. Therein lies the short cut to better health and longer life.” 
“Sick soils mean sick plants, sick animals, and sick people. Physical, mental and moral fitness depends largely upon an ample supply and a proper proportion of minerals in our foods. Nerve function, nerve stability and nerve cell-building likewise depend upon trace minerals.” 
“Our soils which are seriously deficient in trace minerals, cannot produce plant life competent to maintain our needs, and with the continuous cropping and shipping away of those trace minerals and concentrates, the condition becomes worse”. 
“One sure way to end the American people's susceptibility to infection is to supply through food, a balanced ration of trace minerals. An organism supplied with a diet adequate to, or preferably in excess of, all mineral requirements may so utilize these elements as to produce immunity from infection quite beyond anything we are able to produce artificially by our present method of immunization. You can't make up the deficiency by using a patent medicine or drug.” 
“Prevention of disease is easier, more practical, and more economical than cure. Disease preys most surely and most viciously on the undernourished and unfit plants, animals and human beings alike, and when the importance of these obscure mineral elements is fully realized, the chemistry of life will have to be rewritten. No man knows his mental or bodily capacity, how well he can feel or how long he can live, for we are all cripples and weaklings. In the future we will be a nation of fat bellies.” 
“It is a disgrace to science. Happily, that chemistry is being rewritten and we are on our way to better health by returning to our bodies the things (trace minerals) we have stolen from it.” 

 (Reprint from READER'S DIGEST - March 1936)
{Editors note: The farming ground is even more depleted today, 2004, and fertilizers add only 3 not so great ingredients that do not help us because putting only 3 of the 84 required for balance will create illness and disease from the imbalance!}

Liquid Mineral Complex™
A Mineral Complex designed to provide the support and balance your body needs. Hydroponically delivered minerals in exactly the same makeup as your blood plasma! Some minerals also function as potent antioxidant free radical scavengers. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical substances in our bodies that if left unchecked can lead to premature aging and disease, such as cancer and heart disease. Antioxidant minerals such as selenium have the power to neutralize free radicals before cellular damage occurs.

"The fruit of the tree shall be your meat, the leaf thereof, your medicine."
...Ezekial 47:12 and again in Ecclesiastes.
God intended us to get our minerals from his earth and plants, but that is no longer possible

**Statements on this website have NOT been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing.  The information provided on the website comes from a variety of online sources.

Liquid Mineral Complex™

Unique and Rich Water-Soluble Blend of
84 Life-Enhancing Ionically Charged Ocean Minerals 
and Trace Elements - 8oz Bottle

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