
I offer for sale 3 unique Japanes Waterstones from Suehiro Gokumyo line.

The word 極妙  “Gokumyo” : from Japanese can be translated as “very unusual, unique”, in this case referred as “amazing, fascinating”.

The unique patented sintering process of production makes these stones extremely dense. I would say these are the hardest stones on the market (comparing to closest direct competitors such as Naniwa Chosera or Shapton Glass). The uniqueness of these stones is that despite them being hard, they produce a great feedback when working. No other hard stone can offer that.

The stones work with absolutely any steel (including high carbide “monsters”) with minimal to no wear. No need for resurfacing in a normal (non-professional) use.

Technical info:

-          Suitable for Apex Edge Pro and the like systems

-          Splash and go only! No soaking allowed!

-          Approximate dimension of the working surface: 15.1x2x0.5cm (5.94x0.78x0.19”)

-          Material composition: White Alundum (Alumina Oxide)

-          GMN100 - 10000 grit  (@ 1 µm)

-          GMN150 - 15000 grit  (@ 0.75 µm)

-          GMN200 - 20000 grit  (@ 0.5 µm)


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