he “Director’s Cut” of the iconic “1915 the Armenian Genocide” film (the version released in 1981), is based on the testimonials of 4 survivors of the Armenian Genocide. This is the most informative film on the subject. 1915 the Armenian Genocide is a skillful step by step “reverse engineering” of the Turkish government’s planning and preparation in orchestrating the Armenian Genocide; unmasking the ruling elite of Turkey and its most cunning leader Talat Pasha, the architect of the Armenian Genocide: The Director’s Cut untangles the secret and twisted geopolitical ambitions of Turkey and its benefactor Germany, before and during WWI; analyzing military campaigns and disasters that created the perfect environment for the Turkish butchery of 2 million Armenians. This film leaves no stone unturned to uncover, with objectivity, the unequivocal evidence of the uprooting of the Armenian race from its homeland of more than 4800 years for the creation of present day Turkey! The "Director's Cut" is a transparent anatomy of the Armenian Genocide”… The brief historic intro of Armenia in ancient times is an intricate part of the film to familiarize the viewer of Armenia’s place and contribution to civilization...