BOGBEAN, BUCKBEAN - leaf - 1000g (1kg)

Plant description

Widely spread throughout the northern hemisphere. Occurs in Asia, Europe, North America and Morocco.


- the leaves contain bitterness, glycosides, tannins and minerals, mainly iodine, iron and manganese
- shows strengthening, cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties
- prevents constipation, flatulence, cholagogue
- used as an ingredient in preparations used to treat anemia, lack of appetite, indigestion, migraines and general weakness
- stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, slows the sympathetic nervous system
- strengthens the endocrine glands
- used against dermatosis, alternating fever, rickets, scurvy, rheumatism, irregular menstruation and intestinal parasites

Product characteristics

Contents: dried leaf

Country of origin: EU

Classification: Menyanthes trifoliata

Weight: 1000g (1kg)

Preparation proposal:

Place two teaspoons of leaves into 250ml of boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes.