Grey hair is part and parcel of life, however just because you start to go grey, doesn’t mean that you have to live with it. Foligain Anti-Gray formula is an all-natural formula that can help you to discreetly hide your grey hairs and restores your natural hair colour. Foligain Anti-Gray Capsules can be taken by men and women.

  • Discreet alternative to constantly dying your hair
  • Made using an all-natural formula
  • Results can be seen in as little as a few months
  • Can be used by men and women of all ages over 18
  • Just take 2 discreet capsules a day

Foligain Anti-Gray capsules are the result of many years of continuous British research. All this results in fantastic results for both men and women with all hair colours. Place your order today by 4pm and receive your items the very next day.


How can Foligain Anti-Gray help me?

Foligain Anti-Gray Capsules are pretty much what they say on the bottle. They are supplements made using natural ingredients that help you to reverse the signs of air. Unlike dyes and lotions that don’t last very long, and many that contain harmful agents and chemicals, This supplement will gradually work with your body and scalp to bring out your natural hair colour.

This not only helps you to look and feel great, but also to save you money and time in the long-run.

How does this treat my grey hair?

Before answering this, we must look at what causes hair to grey in the beginning. It is caused by excessive hydrogen peroxide produced by hair cells. The natural ingredients in Foligain Anti-Gray capsules work with your body and scalp to combat this toxin. Along with this, the ingredients also help to thicken hair as well as strengthen it. Does any other supplement over these great benefits?

When can I experience results?

Everyone will inevitably react differently to the ingredients in these capsules, however most users who take 2 capsules a day can experience results in as little as a few months. For best results it is important to continue taking the supplement for 4-9 months.

How should I take them?

You should take 2 Foligain Anti-Gray capsules a day, preferably with meals. Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers or anyone on prescription medications should consult their doctor before beginning their course.

Are there any side effects?

As Foligain Anti-Gray capsules are a naturally derived supplement, you shouldn’t experience any unwanted side effects. However to avoid any unwanted side effects, we advise you to check all of the ingredients prior to use.

What are the ingredients?

The ingredients in Foligain Anti-Gray are, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hcl) 10mg 500%, Folic Acid 400mcg 100%, Biotin 300mcg 100%, Pantothenic Acid (d-cal. pantothenate) 300mg 3,000%, Zinc (oxide) 10mg 67%, Catalase 5,000 IU, Horse Tail (7% extract) 100mg, Saw Palmetto (45% extract) 300mg, PABA 200mg, L-Tyrosine 200mg, Plant Sterols (45% beta-sitosterol) 100mg, Nettle Root Extract 100mg, Chlorophyll 10mg, Fo Ti Powder 10mg, Barley Grass Juice Powder 10mg. Other ingredients include Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, and Silicone Dioxide.