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Acai Berry Boost Energy 10X Stronger Organic Extract Powder Natural Vegan


 Acai Berry - Euterpe oleracea - FREE Shipping - Organic | Fair-Trade | Cruelty- free | Raw | Premium Superfood | Açaí Extract - Vegan

Suggest Used. Mix 2.5 grams Can be in water, smoothie or as you prefer. 

Health Benefits of Acai Berries

  • Support Weight Loss

  • Improve Cardiovascular Health 
  • Aphrodisiac 
  • Premature Aging
  • Nutritious 
  • Acai berry contains 19 amino acids 
  • Natural antioxidant  
  • Strengthens the immune system 
  • Premature Aging 
  • Protects the Heart

Our Acai Superfood: Is extracted ratio 10 to 20 times stronger of an ordinary powder. it means that our acai berry is 10 times stronger than the raw powder. 

Origen: Brazil 

Acai berries come from the acai palm, widely found in the Amazon Brazil.
It represented a major staple food of the indigenous tribes, and its nutritional value made it vital to their overall health, sometimes making up more than 25% of their food volume intake. it is the “Power source of athletes in Brazil”, the acai berry does not have that reputation for nothing. 

The fruit is commonly used in pre-workout sports because of your high energy value and amount of iron that acts on strengthening muscles. After physical activities, the acai berry helps to reset the muscle glycogen, acting on post-workout recovery.

Acai berries can be a tremendously healthy addition to your diet and help to increase heart health, aids in weight loss, as well as aiding in health issues relating to your skin, digestion, allergies, immune system, and energy levels. Furthermore, research has shown it to be one of the best sources of antioxidants, an aphrodisiac, a brain booster, and a great weapon against premature aging,  Overall, this miraculous little berry can have a huge impact on your health and happiness.

Nutritional Value Of Acai Berries:
Acai berry contains 19 amino acids, as well as several sterols (campesterol, stigmasterol, and beta-sitosterol anthocyanins also is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamin A, E, and C. Amongst minerals, acai berries contain calcium, iron, potassium, and sodium.

At R. Terra, our mission reaches far beyond just being a provider of herbal products and supplements. We believe that for every disease or problem, there is a natural cure based in herbalism and shaman healing

At R.Terra, Is committed to providing longevity and vitality through superfoods, herbs, and natural cosmetics. These provide energy, antioxidants, detoxing, weight management and supports the immune system.

Help us to Preserve the nature in Amazon Rainforest from buying from us.