PRIMULA - dried flower - 1000g (1kg)

Plant description

Plant species belonging to the primulaceae family. It grows throughout Eurasia except in the far north. Young flowers and shoots, raw or cooked, mixed with green lettuce and chicory are one of the favorite dishes in Russia and Britain.


- due to the large amount of saponin, infusions and primers from primrose help in the treatment of colds, pharyngitis and larynx, influenza, bronchitis

- used in the treatment of tuberculosis and pulmonary tuberculosis as a perfect expectorant

- recommended for smokers and people suffering from rheumatism

- poultices from the decoction reduce swelling and pain, speed up healing of postoperative wounds

- in folk medicine used for migraine, insomnia, nervous tension, menstrual disorders and menopause.

- shows diuretic properties

- used for cleaning and detoxifying the body

WARNING: Contraindications: prone to allergies and gastrointestinal diseases such as peptic ulcer or acute gastritis.

Product characteristics

Contents: dried flower

Country of origin: EU

Classification: Primula veris

Weight: 1000g (1kg)


Place two teaspoons of flowers into 250 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes.