New and Improved formula!

Great Taste!

Nascent Iodine


OUR NASCENT IODINE HAS 750 mcg x drop!!

More than 2500 bottles sold!!!

RDA: 1500%


Small batches are produced, one at a time, in a custom lab. by a degree chemist and licensed acupuncturist.

Potency: It's just as potent as other nascent iodine products (on an iodine dose bases), however having a much higher dose per serving that any other equivalent nascent iodine products makes it a much better value. It is also much more palatable. 

Due to the fact that the manufacturer  changed the formulation such that the rubber on the dropper bottles were not holding up to the MCT oil based iodine, and a reliable replacement could not be found, the product was changed to a glycerine base.

Iodine quantity:

It has the exact same amount of iodine as the previous version. The only ingredients are glycerine, water, and iodine. Water was added to the product as glycerine by itself will not stay in the dropper. It will immediately flow out due to the lower adhesive properties when compared to water. 


The tart taste is a result of manufacturing process needed to get sufficient iodine into the glycerine base. The formation of what's known as a conjugate acid-base pair was intentionally produced with the iodine lending a tart taste to the product. Other methods were experimented with, but this was deemed the most palatable. 


The lighter coloration is also a result of the manufacturing process as iodine (elemental-diatomic) forms a dark red solution, while iodide (monoatomic), the principle component in this formulation, is clear. 


As a nutritional supplement the bioavailability is at least the same as the previous version, if not superior, as the iodine doesn't have to be broken down to iodide, which is the form the body utilizes. For example the thyroid only transports iodide and not iodine.  It is admittedly less effective when used for topical or anti-microbial purposes in this form, but the intent of the product is to be used for a dietary supplement.