Inclusioned Phantom Quartz, Lodolite, is quartz imbedded with the formations of moss or another entirely different earth composition trapped within the main crystalline structure. While the crystal is forming, there is a lull in the growth process. Lodolite is a kind of included quartz that has different color and type inclusions. These inclusions often look like underwater scenes, landscapes, and gardens. Lodolite is also known as Inclusion Quartz, Lodelite, and Lodalite. It’s sometimes called Scenic Quartz, Landscape Quartz, and Garden Quartz as well. As stone of transition, Phantom Quartz can relieve the stress, anxiety, fear or regrets that accompany major shifts in your life. Much like physical growth, emotional and spiritual growth can cause growing pains. ... Instead, forge ahead with the calming, motivating energy of phantom quartz. The inclusions on this stone usually consist of Chlorite, Feldspar, and other materials that give different colored inclusions. These inclusions can be cream, orange, green, or red in color, and they have a healing vibration that’s also magnified by the clear quartz. It will bring energies of manifestation in your life so that you will be able to fulfill your heart’s desires. Lodolite will enhance your communication with beings from other higher realms and increase your spiritual energies. It will enhance your ESP and allow you access to your past lives. Lodolite will bring loving energies in your life. It will infuse you with a quiet and gentle strength that will help you overcome your personal challenges. It’s also an excellent healing stone that will give healing to your subtle and etheric bodies. The potent vibrations of this stone will also bring you energies that will help manifest your desires. The beauty that’s exhibited by this stone will enhance your communication skills. It will strengthen your communication skills in such a way that it will reach the spiritual realm and heighten your spiritual energies. Lodolite is also known to be an excellent healing stone that will bring vibrant energies to your aura. It will effectively cleanse your aura, your inner soul, and your environment. Lodolite is also a dream stone that will evoke lucid dreaming. Lodolite is often thought of as the magical scenic rock. This stone can forge a powerful connection with the spirits of the cosmos and induce inspiration and elicit dreams. It will also inspire you to be brave and to take more risks. It will push you to try things that you have never done before. The potent vibrations of Lodolite will help you release your past life trauma, along with any kind of distressing memories from the past. Lodolite is a powerful and meditative healer. Its energies will encourage you to accomplish your desire in the best way you know. This stone will keep you grounded, stable, connected, and aware. It will dispel any negative energy that’s in your environment so that you can fully focus on your money goals. Lodolite is a calming crystal spirit that will also give you calming and quiet energy during the really loud and busy days. The clear and powerful energies of Lodolite will help you achieve deep emotional healing. It will also assist you in letting go of your past life attachments so that you will be fully present in your current life.