15ml Black-Coated Glass UV Resistant Dropper Bottle

This oil was created after my Vision Quest in Wirikuta , Mexico .

In a Vision I received a teaching about brain-heart connection and ability to use this connection for awakening our higher senses and abilities.

After Vision i talked to my native teachers and they gave me more teaching about ancient wisdom on Third Eye and Pineal Gland . It was very clear to me from those teachings, that we not using right ways to awaken Pineal - Pituitary Glands connection and there is very particular geometry structure to activate our brain-heart connection.

Later i found video by Drunvalo Melchizedek, where he talks about very similar teaching from Kahlua Elders.

During my Sundance, i received another Vision and particular about Herbal Medicine for Pineal-Third Eye activation. This was also shared with my Native teachers and this formula was created. Pineal Activation Oil can be also used in aid of detoxify Pineal Gland, with Pineal Activation Process, Crystal Skulls activation , Meditation, Divination, Lucid Dreaming, ext

The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland shaped like a pine cone, located in the vertebrate brain near the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Also known as the third eye, it is a revered tool of seers and mystics and considered to be the organ of supreme universal connection. Its significance appears in every ancient culture throughout the world. For example, in Ayurvedic philosophy, the third eye is represented by the Ajna chakra and in Ancient Egypt, the symbol of the Eye of Horus mirrors the placement of the pineal gland in the profile of the human head. The third eye is connected to clarity, concentration, imagination and intuition.

The material world, the spiritual world and higher frequencies are the connecting link with the pineal gland.

A healthy and well-cared pineal gland provides a person with the following benefits:

– better memory and comprehension of new information.

– increased intuition, insights, and creativity;

– being aware of your psychic gifts;

– experience Joy.

Developing the third eye is the doorway to all things psychic—telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and astral projection. The illusion of separation between self and spirit dissolves when the third eye connection is cultivated. Metaphysical ways of being are connected to the third eye, such as how to be awake within the dream, to walk between realities and surpass the limitations of humanity.

This oil is very special. It made in four steps infusion process : resins infusion, Herbal terracotta pots infusion, herbal cold infusion with honey and Crystals charging infusion .




Orris root




Holly Basil


Sagan Dalya




Russian sage

Wild Letuce


Black Seed Oil


Almond oil

Vitamin E

I'm using my family old very time consuming , but highly potent process of infusing oils in terracotta specially treated pots, buried in a sand and covered with hot charcoals .

It creates very slow, low temperature , releasing of most beneficial plant substances.

It is very authentic way to create highly concentrated infused oils , without destroying herbal essence and energy connection with Plant Spirit.

This is very powerful and fascinating way my ancestors used for many generations.

They believed that this way creates "birth of Medicine" thru empowering in Mother Earth womb.

My oils are alive and buzzing with energy.

I'm also using specially treated and naturally glazed pots, which are easy to clean and sterilize after each oil preparation.

How to use it:

This oil can be applied to four areas - projection of the third eye between brows( pituitary), temples, cerebellum area( in a back of your head) and top of the head, projection of pineal gland. You can apply before meditation, before sleep or before any time of work , when you need your intuition or helping vita vision. This oil also helps to detox pineal. The main problem often from modern sources , lack of understanding how third eye works. It’s not really “ an eye inside”. It’s simultaneous projection of “ beams meeting in certain point of the head”. And your intention should not be between eyebrows , but on temples.

Use just 1 drop for each area