LIVE Black Soldier Fly Larvae - Hermetia Illucens

Hermetia Illucens or Black Soldier Fly (BSF) is a common fly of the Stratiomyidae family. It is found locally in most countries of the world if not all.
The larvae of BSF are excellent quality feed for reptiles, lizards, turtles, small mammals, spiders, birds, amphibians, fish. They can also be used as live bait for fishing.

BSFL Facts:

1. Calcium content is greater than other commercial feeders up to 60 times. Amazing ratio of calcium: phosphorus.
2. They can stop or reverse bone disease bone due to calcium deficiency.
3. Excellent food for females who are pregnant or have just given birth.
4. 30-40% of their fat is beneficial lauric acid which has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Another 2.3% of the fat is the omega-3 acids.
5. Very low chitin content (the substance from which the
exoskeleton of insects is made) which are not digested by animals.
6. No need for gut loading - Ready for consumption.
7. Stored for at least 2 weeks at temperatures of 10-15 degrees.
8.As bait they work in freshwater or saltwater with about 20 minutes life after being hooked.
9. Not considered parasitic insects. The BSF adults do not eat so they are not carriers of disease. The larvae eat only dead biomass so even if they escape from the storage containers they will not cause problems in plants or animals.

The package contains approximately 2000 medium/big  LIVE larvae of Hermetia Illucens raised exclusively on grains, in Thessaloniki - Greece.

An extra 10% will be included for FREE as a THANK YOU for trusting us your little friend's well being!

P.S. Please send me a contact number after you put your order as it is required by my carrier.