PHP & MySQL Video Training Tutorial  2 DVDs  8 GB of Video files. 

Multiple sources and covers mostly all the topics of this application

This is a compilation of training tutorial videos as well as books gathered and put onto DVDs.

Items are shipped only to USA; contact seller for international sharing of the tutorials through Google Drive

Returns are not accepted given that files included can be copied.

Below are the video DVD files:

MySQL Database Tutorial   1   Introduction to Databases
MySQL Database Tutorial   2   Getting a MySQL Server
MySQL Database Tutorial   3   Creating a Database
MySQL Database Tutorial   4   SHOW and SELECT
MySQL Database Tutorial   5   Basic Rules for SQL Statements
MySQL Database Tutorial   6   Getting Multiple Columns
MySQL Database Tutorial   7   DISTINCT and LIMIT
MySQL Database Tutorial   8   Sorting Results
MySQL Database Tutorial   9   Sort Direction
MySQL Database Tutorial   10   Basic Data Filtering and WHERE
MySQL Database Tutorial   11   Advanced Filtering Using AND and OR
MySQL Database Tutorial   12   Are you IN or are you NOT IN 
MySQL Database Tutorial   13   How Search Engines Work
MySQL Database Tutorial   14   More on Wildcards
MySQL Database Tutorial   15   Regular Expressions
MySQL Database Tutorial   16   Creating Custom Columns
MySQL Database Tutorial   17   Functions
MySQL Database Tutorial   18   More on Aggregate Functions
MySQL Database Tutorial   19   GROUP BY
MySQL Database Tutorial   20   Subqueries
MySQL Database Tutorial   21   Another Subquery Example
MySQL Database Tutorial   22   How to Join Tables
MySQL Database Tutorial   23   Outer Joins
MySQL Database Tutorial   24   UNION
MySQL Database Tutorial   25   Full Text Searching
MySQL Database Tutorial   26   INSERT INTO
MySQL Database Tutorial   27   How to Insert Multiple Rows
MySQL Database Tutorial   28   UPDATE & DELETE
MySQL Database Tutorial   29   CREATE TABLE
MySQL Database Tutorial   30   NOT NULL & AUTO INCREMENT
MySQL Database Tutorial   31   ALTER   DROP   RENAME TABLE
MySQL Database Tutorial   32   Views
MySQL Database Tutorial   33   Final !
PHP For Dummies   Php Tutorial 1
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 2
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 4
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 5
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 6
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 7
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 8
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 9
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 10
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 12
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 13
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 14 [Part 1]
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 14 [Part 2]
Php For Dummies   Php Tutorial 15 Cookies
Php for Dummies   Php Tutorial 16 Introduction to MySQL
007 Overview
008 Working with Apache Web Server
009 Changing the document root
01 Welcome
010 Enabling PHP
011 Upgrading
012 Configuring PHP
013 Installing MySQL
014 Configuring MySQL
015 Text editor
016 Overview
017 Installing WampServer
018 Finding the document root
019 Configuring PHP
02 Using the exercise files
020 Configuring MySQL
021 Text editor
022 Embedding PHP code on a page
023 Outputting dynamic text
024 The operational trail
025 Inserting code comments
026 Variables
027 Strings
028 String functions
029 Numbers part one Integers
03 What is PHP
030 Numbers part two Floating points
031 Arrays
032 Associative arrays
033 Array functions
034 Booleans
035 NULL and empty
036 Type juggling and casting
037 Constants
038 If statements
039 Else and elseif statements
04 The history of PHP
040 Logical operators
041 Switch statements
042 While loops
043 For loops
044 Foreach loops
045 Continue
046 Break
047 Understanding array pointers
048 Defining functions
049 Function arguments
05 Why choose PHP
050 Returning values from a function
051 Multiple return values
052 Scope and global variables
053 Setting default argument values
054 Common problems
055 Warnings and errors
056 Debugging and troubleshooting
057 Links and URLs
058 Using GET values
059 Encoding GET values
06 Installation overview
060 Encoding for HTML
061 Including and requiring files
062 Modifying headers
063 Page redirection
064 Output buffering
065 Building forms
066 Detecting form submissions
067 Single page form processing
068 Validating form values
069 Problems with validation logic
070 Displaying validation errors
071 Custom validation functions
072 Single page form with validations
073 Working with cookies
074 Setting cookie values
075 Reading cookie values
076 Unsetting cookie values
077 Working with sessions
078 MySQL introduction
079 Creating a database
080 Creating a database table
081 CRUD in MySQL
082 Populating a MySQL database
084 Populating the relational table
085 Database APIs in PHP
086 Connecting to MySQL with PHP
087 Retrieving data from MySQL
088 Working with retrieved data
089 Creating records with PHP
090 Updating and deleting records with PHP
091 SQL injection
092 Escaping strings for MySQL
093 Introducing prepared statements
094 Blueprinting the application
095 Building the CMS database
096 Establishing your work area
097 Creating and styling the first page
098 Making page assets reusable
099 Connecting the application to the database
100 Adding pages to the navigation subjects
101 Refactoring the navigation
Alphabet and Numerical Characters Validation Using Java Script    PHP Web Application Part    3
Apprendre MySQL
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial # How to install MySQL on Ubuntu Debian Linux
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial # How to install MySQL on UbuntuDebian Linux
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial # Install MySQL Workbench in Ubuntu Debian Linux
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial # Install MySQL Workbench in UbuntuDebian Linux
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 1 # Download , Install MYSQL and first SQL query
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 10# MySQL COUNT,MAX,MIN,AVG & SUM Function
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 2 # CREATE NEW DATABASE SCHEMA and TABLE
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 3 # MySQL INSERT Statement Query
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 4# MySQL SELECT Statement Query
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 5# MySQL WHERE Clause Statement Query
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 6# MySQL AND & OR Operators Statement Query
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 7# SQL ORDER BY Keyword Statement Query
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 8# SQL UPDATE Statement Statement Query
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 9# MySQL DELETE Query
Cascading Style Sheets   CSS    PHP Web Application Part    4
Connect to MySQL Database   Use Select, Insert, Update   C# C Sharp Visual Studio 2010
Connect to MySQL Database with PHP
Creating a PHP Search
Creating HTML Table and Form    PHP Web Application Part   1
Delete of data from using MySQL Query    PHP Web Application Part    13
Export CSV to MySQL using Pentaho
Form Validation Using JavaScript    PHP Web Application Part   2
How To Create a MySQL Database in 2 minutes
How to create a simple comment system in PHP
How to Create an Advanced Comment System Using PHP and MySQL
How to install MySQL on Windows 7
How to uninstall MySQL from windows 7   windows 8   windows 8.1
How to uninstall MySQL from windows 7  windows 8  windows 8.1
Installing WAMP and Creating a MySQL Database
Introduction to Git with Scott Chacon of GitHub
Introduction to MySQL for Website Administrators
JQUERY Form Validation 1of 2    PHP Web Application Part    5
JQUERY Form Validation 2 of 2    PHP Web Application Part    6
Learn PHP and MySQL Development From Scratch
Lecture   32 Case Study   MYSQL
Lesson 1   PDO Connecting to a MySQL Database using the PDO Library in PHP
Lesson 2   PDO   Using Prepare Statements PDOStatement
Lesson 3   PDO   Fetching Objects and Custom Objects using fetchAll with PDOStatement
Lesson 4  PDO   ErrorInfo and ErrorCode using PDOStatement
Lesson 5   PDO   Using fetch Method from PDOStatement to iterate through the results.
Lesson 6   PDO   Difference between bindValue and bindParam with PDOStatement
Lesson 7   PDO   bindValue & bindParam using   mark 1 indexed positions
Lesson 8   PDO   Avoiding SQL Injection using pdo quote, bindParam, bindValue
Lesson 9   PDO   Using exec method for executing simple SQL commands.
Lesson 10   PDO   Retrieving the Last Inserted ID with PDO.
Lesson 11   PDO   bindParam and passing by reference
Lesson 12   PDO   bindColumn assigning values to variables by reference
Lesson 13   PDO   beginTransaction turning off autocommit mode
Login form using OOPs Concept in PHP
Migration From Oracle to MySQL   An NPR Case Study
MySQL  Adding Table Columns
MySQL  Counting Records
MySQL  Creating a Database
MySQL  Creating a Table
MySQL  Custom Column Names
MySQL  Deleting Databases
MySQL  Deleting Records
MySQL  Deleting Tables
MySQL  Describing Tables
MySQL  Inserting a Record
MySQL  Introduction
MySQL  MySQL Monitor
MySQL  Removing Table Columns
MySQL  Searching Records
MySQL  Selecting a Database
MySQL  Selecting Records
MySQL  Showing Databases
MySQL  Showing Tables
MySQL  The WHERE Clause
MySQL  Updating Records
MySQL  What is NULL 
MySQL  Windows Command Prompt
MySQL   CREATE USER with GRANT Privileges in Terminal
MySQL   Remote Access to MySQL Server on Linux CentOS 6.3 Part 1
Mysql Database Tutorial for Beginners 1 # Download and Install MYSQL Database Windows 8Windows 8.1
MySQL For Beginners   Tutorial 1   Introduction to Basics
MySQL For Beginners   Tutorial 2   Retrieving Data
MySQL For Beginners   Tutorial 3   Searching a Database with PHP
MySQL Querying Data   Lesson 1, Part 1   How To Write a Basic SQL Select Statement
MySQL Querying Data   Lesson 1, Part 2   How To Write a Basic SQL Select Statement
MySQL Querying Data   Lesson 4   Query Efficiency
MySQL Querying Data   Lesson 5, Part 1   Functions   Numeric
MySQL Querying Data   Lesson 6   Case Logic
MySQL Querying Data   Lesson 7, Part 4   Joining Tables   Joining Multiple Tables
MySQL Real Time Data Warehousing Presentation and 
MySQL Tutorial 1   What is MySQL
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners   1   Creating a Database and Adding Tables to it
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners   2   Adding Data to Tables in a Database
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners   3   Selecting Data from Tables in a Database
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners   4   Updating Data in a Database
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners   5   Deleting Data From a Database
MySQL Tutorial For Beginners   6   More Ways To Select Data From Databases
MySQL Tutorial For Beginners   7   Searching Through a Database Using Operators
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 1 27  Introduction   Installation
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 10 27  The SELECT Statement Query Command
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 11 27  More on SELECT   using WHERE and NULL values
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 12 27  More on SELECT   conditions, ORDER, GROUP BY
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 13 27  More on SELECT   DATE, ORDER, GROUP BY
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 14 27  More on SELECT   querying multiple tables
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 15 27  The DELETE Statement Query Command
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 16 27  The UPDATE Statement Query Command
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 17 27  The LIKE Clause
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 18 27  Using REGEXP   Regular Expressions
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 19 27  The ALTER Command
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 2 27  Some Terminology
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 20 27  PRIMARY KEY vs INDEX
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 21 27  Creating Table INDEX   More on ALTER
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 22 27  Using Temporary Tables
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 23 27  Cloning Tables
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 24 27  Export using SELECT
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 25 27  Export using SQLDUMP (with Import using mysql)
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 26 27  Import using MYSQLIMPORT
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 27 27  Import using LOAD DATA
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 3 27  Connecting to MySQL Server
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 4 27  Adding   Deleting Users
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 5 27  Creating   Selecting   Deleting Databases
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 6 27  Some MySQL Data Types
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 7 27  Creating   Deleting Tables
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 8 27  Showing Structure of Tables
MySQL Tutorial from Terminal 9 27  Inserting Data into Tables
MySQL Tutorial
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 1   Getting Started and Mysql database Connection
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 1  Getting Started and Mysql database Connection
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 10  Database values in textbox if select Combobox
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 10 Database values in textbox if select Combobox
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 11   How to Link List Box with Database and show values in textbox
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 11  How to Link List Box with Database and show values in textbox
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 12   Show database values in Table or DataGridView
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 12  Show database values in Table or DataGridView
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 13   Display selected row from datagridview to TextBox
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 13  Display selected row from datagridview to TextBox
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 14   Search data in database and Filter in datagridview
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 14  Search data in database and Filter in datagridview
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 15  Change column title of datagridview when connecting Mysql
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 15 Change column title of datagridview when connecting Mysql
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 16   How to Link Chart  Graph with Database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 16  How to Link Chart Graph with Database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 17   Message Box Asking if The User Wants To Exit
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 17  Message Box Asking if The User Wants To Exit
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 18   Checkbox , radiobutton and groupbox with Database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 18  Checkbox , radiobutton and groupbox with Database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 19   How to use DateTimePicker and save date in Database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 19  How to use DateTimePicker and save date in Database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 2   Create Login Form with MySql and VB.NET (Part 1)
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 2  Create Login Form with MySql and VB.NET (Part 1)
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 3   Create Login Form with MySql and VB.NET (Part 2)
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 3  Create Login Form with MySql and VB.NET (Part 2)
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 4   Password Protection using Textbox
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 4  Password Protection using Textbox
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 5   How To Open A Second Form using First Form + signout
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 5  How To Open A Second Form using First Form + signout
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 6   Insert Save data to database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 6  InsertSave data to database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 7   Edit Update a data from Database with button
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 7  EditUpdate a data from Database with button
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 8   Deleting selected data from database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 8  Deleting selected data from database
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 9   How to Link Combobox with Database values
MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 9  How to Link Combobox with Database values
MySQL Workbench Tutorial
PHP & MySQL Tutorial 09 File Upload system with records in MySQL Part 1
PHP and MySQL with MySQLi  Binding (Part 7 9)
PHP and MySQL with MySQLi  Connecting (Part 3 9)
PHP and MySQL with MySQLi  Database (Part 2 9)
PHP and MySQL with MySQLi  Example Application (Part 8 9)
PHP and MySQL with MySQLi  Getting results (Part 4 9)
PHP and MySQL with MySQLi  Inserting records (Part 6 9)
PHP and MySQL with MySQLi  Introduction (Part 1 9)
PHP and MySQL with MySQLi  Joins (Part 9 9)
PHP and MySQL with MySQLi  Updating and Deleting (Part 5 9)
PHP Lesson 1   Installing WAMP and Notepad++ on Windows 7
PHP Lesson 2   Installing LAMP, PhpMyAdmin, and Notepad++ on Ubuntu 11.10
PHP Lesson 3   Saving the PHP Pages in the Web Server Directory
PHP Lesson 32   Connecting to MySQL From PHP
PHP MySQL Tutorial  Create a Database and Table in phpMyAdmin  HD 
PHP MySQL Tutorial
PHP Program for Insert Part 1    PHP Web Application Part    7
PHP Program for Insert Part 2    PHP Web Application Part    8
PHP Program for Insert Part 3    PHP Web Application Part    9
PHP Program for Insert Part 4    PHP Web Application Part    10
PHP Program for User Login Part 1    PHP Web Application Part    11
PHP Program for User Login Part 2    PHP Web Application Part    12
PHP Programming Tutorial   Creating A Simple MySQL Login Form
PHP Programming
Php Tutorial   6   Number Functions
Php Tutorial   7   An Introduction to Arrays
Php Tutorial   8   Associative Arrays
Php Tutorial   9   Array Functions
PHP Tutorial 1   Introduction (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 10   Else and ElseIf Statements (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 11   Comparison Operators (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 12   Logical Operators (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 13   Arrays (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 14   While Loop (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 15   ForEach Loop (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 16   GET Variable (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 17   POST Variable (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 18   Functions (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 19   Date and Time (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 2   Installing XAMPP (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 20   Explode (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 21   Find If String Contains a String (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 22   Check If Variable Is Set (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 23   Embedding HTML And PHP (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 24   Reading A File (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 25   Writing To A File (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 26   MySQL Introduction (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 27   MySQL Creating A Table (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 28   MySQL Inserting Data (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 29   MySQL Reading Data (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 3   Installing Notepad++ (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 4   Hello World (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 5   Variables (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 6   Comments (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 7   Single Quotes and Concatenation (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 8   Math Operators (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial 9   If Statements (PHP For Beginners)
PHP Tutorial for Beginners 31 # Getting Data from MySQL Database using PHP
PHP Tutorials  How to filter data from a MySQL Database Table with PHP
PHP Tutorials Uploading Storing an Image inside a MySQL Database Part 2 
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Retrive data from MySQL Table    PHP Web Application Part    11
Setting up your JSP environment   3 MySQL Connection
Successful and Cost Effective Data Warehouse... The MySQL Way
Top 5 Programming Tips That Will Save Your Life!
Translation Web Service MySQL UTF8
Updat of information using MySql Query  Part1     PHP Web Application Part    14
Updat of information using MySql Query  Part2     PHP Web Application Part    15
Use of Session and Retrive User Information    PHP Web Application Part    12
Visual Basic .NET Tutorial 1   Downloading Visual Studio and Creating First VB Program
Welcome to ProgrammingKnowledge  Channel
[HD] PHP Tutorial  Image Upload (MySQL) Part 1
[ TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 04 Adding PHP to HTML)
[ TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 06 Installing MySQL)
[ TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 10 Introduction)
[ TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 12 Integrating PHP & MySQL)
[ TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 14 For Loops and Array)