"Sticks my come and go, but an O'connor head is a friend for life."

The much sought-after DVS is no longer in production. The design has much in common with the venerable 1030, but it was built with a slightly smaller payload in mind. Hollywood/commercial productions favor huge tripods with mitchell mounts (and usually an O'connor 2575) , but they have the crew to move them. For the smaller production the DVS is the perfect size for an Alexa Mini, a RED DSMC, a Sony F-series, a Canon C-series etc. Light enough to travel with, sturdy enough to survive the rigors of production for a lifetime. Solid. Smooth. Easy to adjust. This one is in great shape. I brought it by O'connor (Vitec Burbank) and one of the techs looked it over and gave it a clean bill of health. It does however have a few cosmetic scratches.