Shiva Lingam Healing Pendant: endless power of the universe, creativity, uniqueness, sense of acceptance, masculinity or femininity healing

Please note: each stone looks slightly different (dark brown, light brown)

Shiva Lingam, is a very unique and sacred gemstone.
Lingam is a symbol of the endless power of the universe, creativity, uniqueness, sense of acceptance, and creation.

Lingam has the ability to charge your chakra system completely unlike other stones because it is associated with all the chakras, not a single point in it.

This way, Lingam will help converse with them all in a manner which gives your spirit new energy and value.

This stone will give the keeper the power of innovation and creation which can help bring better paths, new relations, and fresh beginnings in life.

You can use Lingam to worship the divinity and supremeness of Lord Shiva to pay tribute to his infinite powers of creation and destruction.

If you are stuck in your life and need a way out of your monotonous existence, this stone is the right choice for you because it will lead you towards new opportunities.

People suffering from fatigue and weakness who get tired after doing the easiest of chores need to experience the vitality boosting powers of this gemstone.
If you have been trying to have a child but have been unsuccessful after all your attempts and prayers, use Lingam to help you bring new life to this world.

If you are suffering from depression, it will allow you to eliminate all negativity from your life and put your life on a more peaceful and productive track.

Lingam will take you towards success in your personal and professional life by leading you towards better avenues and opening new doors for you.

It will also get rid of infertility and impotence from your body, enabling you to live a full life where you can completely enjoy your masculinity or femininity.