13 pairs of various Tungsram nad russian Germanium diodes for effect pedal projects.

The following types are included in this bundle: OA1150, OA1154, OA1160, OA1161, OA1172, OA1182, AA116, D9B, D9D, D2E, D9E, D9K, D9L (on pair of each)

These diodes have slightly different characteristics. This bundle is ideal for experimenting with OD or distortion projects. 

Here are some tips:
OA1150 - long curve, smooth distortion even in hard clipping circuits.
OA1154 - long curve, excellent for substituting 1N270. Ideal for Orange squeezer clone. Also good for low gain OD.
OA 1160 - medium curve, best for OD. (KLON etc.)
OA1161 - medium curve, similar to OA1160, but not the same.
OA1172 - short curve, reminds a shottky, but sounds quite different. Best for OD and distortion projects.
OA1182 - shorter curve, reminds a shottky, but it sounds very different. Best for OD and distortion projects.
AA116 - medium curve, another alternative for the good old 1N34A.

D9B - According to the Atlas Peak it is the closest to 1N34A.
D9D - anouther alternative for 1N34A with slightly longer curve
D2E - Somehow more agressive than the D9E.
D9E - many say this is the best option for a KLON.
D9K - slightly longer curve than the above, somewhere between a 1N34A and a 1N270.
D9L - medium curve, somewhere between a 1N34A and a 1N270.

The device was tested with Atlas Peak DC55 in room temperature.

Returns are not acepted as these devices are carefully measured one by one.