Very large bundle of outdoor plants; for collection only (OX4 area)
26 pots
Three potted ash tree saplings, an evergreen tree (thuya), bushes (deciduous buddleja and hazel), perennial flowering plants, all potted, with well established roots.

Flowering plants for various seasons:
late spring - forget-me-nots, columbines
summer - cranesbills, buddleja plants, pale yellow eyed grass, foxglove, osteospermum
autumn - osteospermum (african daisy)

Photos updated 18th April 2024
I have also added a picture of the flowers of pale yellow eyed grass.

Bundle includes:

1 evergreen coniferous thuya tree - pot grown for at least the past six years
3 potted ash tree saplings - two of them were pot-grown for at least 5 years, third one about 3 years old
1 large planter with several columbine plants (currently (April 2024) about to flower)
3 pots of Endress Cranesbill (Pink Geranium)
1 purple geranium - perennial hardy plant; grows up to 70cm in height and spread - flower buds appearing, will flower from June onwards
1 planter with ivy plant (light green and whitish yellow foliage)
1 bugleweed in a pot (burgundy coloured foliage, purple flowers) currently (April 2024) flowering

5 pots of pale yellow-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium striatum) -  flowers in summer (see the last photo), foliage looks similar to iris' leaves
4 pink osteospermum (african daisy) - hardy, evergreen perennial, will flower soon (large bright pink flower)
1 buddleja plant (purple flowering) - fast growing  bush, flowers attract butterflies
2 hazelnut sapling
1 pot of forget-me-nots - flowering now (April 2024)
1 potted columbine  (Aquilegia) - not sure of the colour, possibly a pink one - has flower buds, expected to flower at the end of April / beginning of May
1 foxglove

26 pots in total

I have lots of other plants and may be able to modify the bundle (especially if you to swap or want more plants - have loads of columbines, cranesbills, bluebells, ash tree and hazel saplings, buddlejas and some others) or create another eBay listing (with different plants, a smaller bundle, etc.)  - feel free to contact me