You are buying directly from the artist! Craig Pruess's own small record label, Heaven on Earth Music, has produced these high quality CDs with pristine sound. A British Academy Award nominated composer, arranger and instrumentalist, Craig has been pioneering the spacious sounds of sacred chants since 1996. This album, which combines world music textures with his own resonant vocals, has proved to be a classic over the last 22 years. Championed by Ekhart Tolle and international self-development personalities, and used for countless yoga classes over the years, these Pali and Sanskrit chants transport the listener to a peaceful and expansive place. The eight page full colour CD booklet contains translation of each chant.

The second track, "Buddham Sharanam" has been used in feature films and TV doumentaries. Numerous 5 star reveiws on Amazon:

The Sacred Chants of Buddha is a wonderful CD and all the music is thoughtful, pleasing and lovely. I highly recommend this CD for yoga, meditation/relaxation." - Kim Crawford

Awesome CD. Listened to it for years. Had to buy another copy because never got original back after lending it out." - Brad Eisinger

This is one of my favorite CDs. I wish I could find another one that I liked as much." - C. Jones

I picked this CD up in Thailand, not having heard it or of it, and was delighted with my find once I got home. I meditate regulary and practise reiki and shamanic healing. This CD is perfect for all these activities, and for having on in the background. The first track "Vajra Guru Mantra" is peaceful and atmospheric, concentating on the vibrations condusive to relaxing into a medatative state. The second track "Buddham Sharanham", is more upbeat but equally as mesmorising. The third track, "Om Mani Padme Hum", is a wonderful use of "Om", which has enough going on to maintain concentration, but doesn't disrupt the stillness reached by this stage. The final track "OM Tara" finishes off the CD and meditation with a really uplifting bit, commensurate with the final stages of healing or meditation. All in all, I'm delighted with my find. This CD is traditional and mystical but also contemporary enough to be engaging without being too funky and distracting." - Xuxi

(...... plus 30 further 5 star ratings.....)

This has also been uploaded on YouTube by different people, many different times. Here's one, with over 130,000 views (see the comments section, too):

This CD is shrink wrapped from the factory, in perfect condition. It comes with a handwritten note, with your name on it, signed by the artist.


"Vajra Guru Mantra" - 15:33
"Buddham Sharanam" - 15:33
"Om Mani Padme Hum" - 15:21
"Om Tara" - 15:40

Recorded digitally in amazingly wide stereo for high fidelity sound.