NEW Prelude for a Festive Occasion Based on a Theme of Paul Manz  for organ MLB-080927.1 (FESTIV)

Composer: Richard H. LaLumondier

MLB Music Publications (MLBMP) will send the purchaser a Master copy  of this composition by email in .pdf format within 48 hours of receiving the purchaser's order. 

To ensure a 48hour delivery you MUST supply your email address with your order.

You will need Adobe Read (a free download) to open the file.

This composition is written for organ.

It would be considered moderate in difficulty.

This composition was written as a processional or recessional march for a festive occasion and was used by the composter as the wedding march at his own wedding.

This composition would be most suited as a processional or a recessional at for any festive service during the year such as Palm Sunday, the Easter season, Ascension Thursday, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, as a prelude or a postlude or as a concert, recital or contest piece.

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed or your money back.

Bulk pricing available on request.  Bulk purchases allow the purchaser to make as many copies of the Master as they like BUT ONLY FOR THEIR OWN USE.