- helps to absorb electromagnetic energy

- balancing out the energy and dispelling any energies of lower vibration

- protect from psychic attacks

- helps to put energetic boundary between yourself and others, so that you don't pick up other people's energies, when making it your own

- is connected to the root chakra

- helps you to feel grounded and protected and secure

Tourmaline will provide protection against destructive energies and bad vibrations.

Tourmaline has a strong calming effect that will offer relief from stress.Tourmaline will help you achieve enlightenment.

It will show you how you can have power over the events that happen to you.

This stone will transform them to positive energies that will inspire you and lift your spirits.It will also inspire creativity and a high level of productivity.

Tourmaline will bring positive energies in your life. It will help you deal with your inner chaos.

Healing crystals meaning are spiritual support to healing and are not healthcare information.

Stones were subjected to cleansing ritual ( white sage smudging ) and charged with the Full Moon energy